Harry (part 2)

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(So sorry for the lack of updates guys there's just a lot going on at the moment for me with college and other stuff but here's the second part )
Your POV
It's been 2 weeks already since you've moved to this new school and met all the sidemen. you and Harry have been getting really close lately and for once your wanting to go to school just to see him, truthful you think your falling for him.

"Hey (y/n)" Harry shouts bring you out of your thoughts. "Hey Harry" you say while giving him a friendly hug. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight for like dinner or something" Harry asked while scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure sounds fun" you say smiling at him. The first bell rang to go to form time so you and Harry started to walk to form talking about random stuff.

Lunch time.

"For once it's sunny in England" you say while lying on the grass with Harry listing to your favourite song.

"I know right might as well make the most of it while it lasts" he says while putting some sun glasses on and lying next to you.

"Can't wait for tonight Harry gonna be so much fun, so you gonna tell me where your taking me" you ask sitting up and lowering your sun glasses to look at him.

"That's a surprise (y/n)" he says still looking into the sky, You sign lying back down again. "But you've got to be ready by half 6 because the table is booked at 7 and if we are late we won't get are table" he says looking over at you. "Sounds like a fancy place then" you say closing your eyes.

There was only 2 more lessons of the day until you get to go home and the even better thing is it's the last day of school until summer break.

Time skip to when you get home.

"I'm back" you shout as you walk through the door "hey(y/n) how was school?" you mum asks "it was good thanks glad to finish, oh and by the way I'm going out to night and I don't need dinner" you say going up stairs.

"Are you going out with friends?" your mum asked you. "Yeah I'm going for dinner with Harry hope that's okay?" You asked from the top of the stairs "okay but don't be out until like 2 in the morning" she shouts up to you. "I won't" you say going to your room to get ready.

Your door opened and there stood your sister (Sorry if you don't have a sister I just wanted to put this is) "so your going on a date then" she says leaning on your door frame. "It's not a date (y/s/n)" (if you don't have a sister just make a name up) "yeah right what time you going?" she asks you. "I'm being picked up at half 6" you say looking through your clothes.

"Good come on" she says "what where" you ask confused "I'm Taking you to get your hair and make up done then I'm gonna buy you a dress" she says walking off now the stairs.

You sit there confused about what your sister said but you wasn't going to complain, so you garb some shoes and head off now stairs to find your sister waiting a ready to go.

"Come one we've got two and an half hours to get this all done" she says heading out to her car with you following.

Time skip to the shopping centre.

You both arrive at the shopping centre and your get dragged in by your sister to the first dress shop she could see.

You both walk in and see a wide range of dresses. "Oh this one looks nice" your sister says picking it out and shows you it "it's pretty but i like this one" you pick out a short black dress with long laced sleeves.🔽

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