Simon #2

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(Just want to say I love this picture ♥️ and this is for thesidemen )

Your POV

Today was yours and Simons 6 year anniversary of been boyfriend and girlfriend.

Simon would normally be waking you up exactly to give you his presence but this time he wasn't.

You wake up looking around the room no sign of Simon so you decided to run down the first flight of stairs to jjs room.

You knocked on his door no answer, you huff and trip up over the small step to get to Josh's and Vikks room they weren't in there rooms.

You huff again and search the rest of the house leaving the kitchen to last.

No sign of them until you found a note in the kitchen that said 'hey (y/n) we've gone to the football field to record some videos and I didn't want to wake you, won't be to long love you Simon xx'

You smile at the note and grab some orange juice out the fridge.

Just as you started to pour the juice you heard the door open and the boys laughing and screaming as they walked in.

"(Y/n)" Simon says giving you a hug "hey" you says laughing at him.

"Thanks for the drink" jj says taking your drink and drank the hole drink. You where used to this seen as it happened a lot.

"So we're all off out tonight so make sure you put something nice on" Simon says to you.

"What, us two and the sidemen" you ask "yep" he says grabbing his self a drink.

"Put Simon aren't you forgetting something" you say as all the boys leave the kitchen to leave you and Simon alone.

"Not that I know of, why?" "Oh nothing" you says getting a bit annoyed after all the years you've been together he's never forgot a birthday or even this.

🎮🎮🎮🎮time skip🎮🎮🎮🎮

You where sat in yours and Simons room looking through all your dresses and shoes.

You picked your favourite dress and shoes and lay them on the bed "just gonna get a shower" Simon says coming in the room to pick some fancy clothes and walked back out to the bathroom.

You sign as you slip on your dress still a bit annoyed with Simon forgetting your anniversary.

After ten minutes Simon was out the shower and came back into the room "you ready" he asks as he puts on his fancy shoes.

You just nod and slip on your favourite shoes, you take Simons hand as you made it down the stairs.

You see the rest of the guys but not dressed up as much as you and Simon "let's go" Ethan says walking out the door with the rest of you following on.

You all hoped into the car you and Simon in front seen as Simon was driving.

You stay quiet in the front seen as you still couldn't believe Simon forgot about your anniversary.

"Okay guys see you later" Simon said dropping the guys off, they all jumped out you where about to get out when Simon stopped you.

"Where going some where else" Simon says driving off into a parking space.

You looked at Simon confused as he stopped the car and got out, you did the same and he held your hand as he walked you up to a fancy restaurant.

"Wow this place is fancy" you says as you both walked in "hi I've booked a table for 7" Simon says to the waiter.

"Yep what names the table in please" he asks Simon "minter" Simon says, the waiter just smiled and asked you to follow him.

You followed the waiter to a small table for two in the corner.

He gave you both some menus and felt you to take your seats.

"I new you didn't forget" you say smiling at Simon "I would never forget about are anniversary" he says smiling back at you.

"Oh and that reminds me" Simon says getting up, at first you had no idea what Simon was doing until he got a small box out and went down on one knee.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n) will you please make me the happiest person alive and marry me" you looked at him at first shocked, you stood up and said "oh Simon minter of course I will" you says hugging him and giving him a small kiss.

(So let me know if you want a second part to this like a wedding type thing)

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