Ethan #4

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Break up.

You and Ethan have been together for years, you had both met in secondary school year 8. You had both made friends very quickly due to you both having a lot of things in common. The only reason you had both met because of your friend started to go out with one of his friends. It wasn't long before the both of you became a little more then friends. Ethan asked you out at the end of year 8, asking you in a shy way, which you found cute the way be stuttered when he would ask the simple question 'Will You Go Out With Me?' You couldn't help but say yes to him as you had started to feel the same way.

The years went on and nothing got in the way of your relationship, you had lasted the longest out of all your friends and you had just felt like it would last forever. The end of the hole school year came a lot more quicker then excepted, meaning you now had to find a college that would take you. You and Ethan had always like art and wanted to go to some sort of art school, Ethan got excepted into the college first and you where awaiting to hear back from them hoping you would get in too. It wasn't long until I got the letter through it, you grabbed the letter as soon as you saw it ripping it open to look inside.

Looking inside the envelope you took out the paper within it unfolding it, you scanned through the letter to then see the words you didn't want to see. You hadn't been accepted into the college, your happiness faded rather quickly dropping the letter onto the floor. Tears started to form in your eyes at the news you had just read. You picked up your phone bring up Ethan's number, after a few rings he picked up his phone.

"Y/N. Did you get in?" Ethan asked hope in his voice as he spoke. "No.....No I didn't" Your voice was low as you spoke "Oh. I'm sorry Y/N. I know how much you wanted to get into that college" He had sadness in his own voice. "No its fine, Ill just apply to other ones. We can still hang out and see each other even if we are not in the same college" You tried to sound happier. "Yeah of course we will. I have to go. Love you Y/N" "Okay speak to you later. Love you too Ethan" You both hung up the phone, you still felt sad but you knew there was other colleges you could get into. You where just mostly sad because you wouldn't be with Ethan, but you had hoped that you could still stay together.

Weeks had passed and you had gotten into the second art college that you applied for and it was a very nice college, and you had already met a few people and became friends with them. However you and Ethan hadn't really had the time to see each other due to the start of college being full on. Ethan did promise to come and met you soon after he was sorted with college.

Yet more weeks pasted by and Ethan had not spoke to you since, you had even tried calling and texting him yet you had, had nothing from him at all. you gave up after the third week of trying to contact him, maybe this wasn't working any more maybe he just didn't like you any more and that it was now over between you both even though you had thought you could be together forever and nothing would break the two of you apart.

The fourth week came and Ethan contacted you, he asked if you could both meet some place to talk. You didn't like the tone in his voice as he spoke over the phone, you knew that it was something bad and you had thought of every bad possible thing that he could say to you, and the main one was that it would be best if you both broke up. You didn't want to think that but when he wasn't been talking to you in so long, you could only think of the worst.

You walked down the street going to the small café that was only a few minutes walk from your apartment. You walked in to see Ethan sat at a small table in the back, you walked over to him sitting in the chair in front of him. "Hi" you said lowly as he looked up at you. "Hey, look I don't want to do this okay, but I don't have long" He spoke "Okay, I think I know where this is going. So just say it" "I think we have to break up Y/N" He looked down at his hands as he spoke to you, you could see that he was sad about it. "Its just not working anymore, we don't have the time to see each other because of college. Sorry Y/N but I think this is for the best. For both of us" "I get it, I knew this was gonna happen but I understand" You really didn't want this to happen but you couldn't stop it. He was right you didn't have the time for each other.

"Thank you Y/N, Just know I will always love you" He smiled at you and you smiled back at him. "Thank you too Ethan and I will always love you" Ethan stood from where he was and came to hug you. you hugged him back giving him a small smile. "Goodbye" and with that you both left feeling the sadness take over the both of you. But you knew this was for the best.

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