Harry #4

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You and Harry where on root to Gatwick airport, you've been friends for over 5 years now and you have both decided to get away for a while. You where going to be meeting Harry there, yet you where very nervous. Over the 5 years you and Harry where friends, you had started to get feelings for him. You hated the idea of that as you knew Harry would never look at you like that, you thought he would always look at you as best friends, like a little sister to him.

After arriving you grabbed your things making sure for the 100th time that you had your passport, Harry had the tickets with him so you didn't have to worry about forgetting that, you had only hoped that he made sure to pick them up.

You pulled out your phone, hands shanking as you did so, you found Harry's name clicking the call button. "Hey Y/N" "hey Harry, I've just got here. Where are you?" You questioned him. "I'm not to far from the main doors, walk in and you'll see me" he spoke. You made your way into the airport spotting Harry not to far from you. You hung up the phone making your way over to him.

"Y/N, you ready because I sure am" Harry spoke with a smile on his face. "Yes can't wait" you smiled back at him.


The flight was the longest flights you had ever took it was over 11 hours, Harry was a sleep in the first half hour of the flight seen as you had picked the night flight. You couldn't help but smile at the way he had let his head fall onto your shoulder as he slept. It wasn't long after that you fell asleep yourself.

You where awoken by someone shacking you. You looked up to see Harry with a big smile on his face trying to get you to wake up. "We're here Y/N" you looked around the plane seeing many getting ready to leave the plane. You stand up wiping way the sleep in your eyes and stretching out just before grabbing your bag. You smiled at Harry as you did so.

"Lets go get our stuff" you spoke slinging your bag over your arm making your way off the plane. Harry followed behind you as you made your way to get your luggage. It wasn't long until you could both get out the airport to make your way to your hotel. "Wow I've always wanted to come to Tokyo" Harry says getting excited looking out the window seeing all the streets.


It was the second day in Tokyo and you had both gotten your rooms sorted out for the rest of the stay. We had eaten breakfast already and where on your way to explore the streets of Tokyo. "We should eat out tonight and see what the food is like" he says as you both walked hand in hand down a small street market. "Yeah sounds good" you spoke looking at all the many Japanese items you could buy.

You had reached the end of the market and heading out into a busy road, many people running around trying to get to the places they needed to be. It was getting quite late now and both you and Harry had been starting to get hungry. It wasn't long until Harry found a nice place to eat, it did look quite expensive.

But Harry didn't care he just wanted food. You had managed to get a table and Harry even ordered a few drinks for the both of you to enjoy with your meals. It wasn't long before someone came to take our orders, Harry was trying his hardest to pronounce the words printed on the menu, but he just ended up pointing to what he wanted. As you both waited for the food Harry spoke. "Hey Y/N, I have to tell you something" he spoke with a slight shake in his voice. "Sure what is it?" You asked taking a sip of your drink.

"Well I like you" he looked down as he said them words, you where shocked as you bee thought he would like you that way like you did. You smiled brightly at him "I guess that makes two of us" you laughed as he looked back up he wasn't sure if you where lying to him or not. "Really?" You nodded at him and just then the food came out. For the rest of the holiday you and Harry spent it together like a couple.

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