Vikk #3

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Angels and demons where things you had always thought where myths however what happens when Y/N runs into a fallen angel.

Your POV

It was a Friday night and you had just been out with a few of your friends from work. You decided to go home and leave the others to have more fun as you wasn't all about going out and drinking all night long. As you walked back to your small apartment just out of town you heard a small groan of pain from a dark alley next to you, being the caring person you are you thought to see what has happening.

"Hello!" you called out to the darkness. The person groaned again and you decided to walk deeper into the darkness.

After a few more steps a man came into your sight leaning agents a brick wall, he looked to be in a lot of pain. He looked up at you with pain in his eyes "Can you help me please" he asked you in a low voice.

You gasped at the sight of the poor boy in front of you. "Oh my gosh, let me help you" you say walking to him to help him up. "What happened to you" you asked shocked while putting his arm around your shoulder to help him stand.

"Its a long story" he says standing up putting most of his weight onto your shoulder. You held onto his waist to support him while you both walked slowly back to your apartment.    

You reached your apartment and fumbled around in your bag to find out your keys, while still trying to hold the young man from falling. you finally found out the sliver key turning the key in the hole to open the wooden door.

you both entered into your apartment and you quickly placed him softly down onto the black leather sofa making sure not to hurt him anymore.

you ran back over to your door closing slowly making sure to make less noise as possible as it was in the middle of the night. "I'll get you a drink" you spoke walking past him as he stayed laid on your sofa, you could see the pain in his face as he tried to move into a more comfortable position.

You ran into your kitchen to grab a glass of water as well as grabbing the first aid kit to treat him wounds. Walking back into your dimly lit living room, you held out your hand with the glass of water in to him giving him the hint to take the glass from your hand "Thank you" he says in a low voice with a hint of pain.

He gulped down the water then placed the empty glass on the coffee table in front of him. Sitting next to him you spoke "Can I ask what your name is?" "Vikk" he says looking up at you. "I'm Y/N. What happened to you?" you ask concern in your voice.

"Would you believe me if I said I fell" "Fell? like from the building that you where leaning on?" you ask confused. "No, as in I fell from the sky" You looked at him shocked by what he said "Your joking right" You ask him with wide eyes from the shock that still had a hold over you.

"Nope not joking" He smiles at you.

He sits up and you try to push him back down by his chest but he pushes your hand away and sits up fully.

"You need to rest" you say in a worried tone "Don't worry ill be fine soon." He says still smiling at you. "I'm still confused. You fell from the sky?" he just nods at you the smile still not leaving his face "But wouldn't that kill you?"

"Well it would a human but I'm not human" he says scratching the back of his neck looking down. "Wait what?" you where even more confused now "Ill prove it, but I shouldn't be doing this" he says now trying to stand up from the sofa. "Prove what and why?" "Do you believe in angles?" he asked you  looking down at your confused face.

"Not really but carry on" you reply back wanting to hear more, in any other persons eyes they would see him as crazy but something inside you tells you he's not lying about this. "Okay well I guess ill make you believe in angles. The only reason I am telling you this is because I feel like you are a trust worthy person, and that's a thing you see very often in this day and age. Plus you don't look at me like I'm crazy right now even if this does sound so crazy to a human" he looks back up to you his eyes lit up as spoke to you. 

"So why shouldn't you tell me about all this?" you ask him your gaze not leaving his "Well it is forbidden for an angle to say this stuff to a human" "I see" you lower your voice.

"So let me make you believe in angels Y/N" he steps forward and with in seconds your eyes widened as you saw a pair of bright white wings grow from his back. You stood up not believing your eyes, thinking it was a dream you pinched yourself "This is real Y/N not a dream" he says looking back at you.

You stepped forward to him and reached out to touch his wings. He didn't try to stop you he only smiled as you did so stoking the soft feathers delicately like they where shards of glass that would brake at any moment. "Wow" is all that would come from your mouth at this time.

He only smiles at your words and then grabs your hand softly "Do you believe in angles now Y/N" he asks still holding your hand gently in the same manner of how you where touching his wings. "Yes I think I do" you smile back at him. The next thing you feel is his lips on yours as you both melted into the kiss, you pull away still a smile on both of your faces.

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