Simon #5

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Simons POV.

"Another night another victim" I sighed falling into my desk chair while wiping off the knife of the bright red liquid that stained it. Being one of the most wanted person in London is hard work, why is it hard work you ask? Well my face is not known as a killer nor my name but I was named the London Slasher.

The best thing is no one would suspect me being the most richest man in London, I had everything I ever wanted when it came to money, but there is one thing that my money can't buy. And that was the girl

I've been watching for a while now, not as a victim. She's the only thing I want and I will get her, Patience is key.

Again it was that time of the year, I throw a party every year always on this date. The theme however is always different, this time it's a masquerade ball, all I hope for is this year the women I've been watching will come. I've never seen her at any of my party's, but I still had hope she would come one day.

It was hours away from the party and my tailer was fixing up my suit and helping me tie my tie. I slipped on my black shoes matching the rest of the suit. Looking in the mirror, I smiled back at myself hearing the voices of many others entering the penthouse.

Picking up the mask that was laid on the pine dressing table making sure to place it on my face before making my way down to see my guests.

Stepping into the crowd, the only person I had set my eyes on was her, she really came. Now was the chance I had to get her where I want her. I made my way over to her, she looked to be with her friends. Seeing her more up close makes me see her beauty more. I waited it out making sure to keep an eye on her before I make a move to ask her for a dance. Finally the time came, her friends left her at the table she was sat at. "May I have this dance?" I asked extending my hand to her.

She smiled up at me, her smile was bright and so innocent "Why not" She placed her small hand within my grasp, our hands moulding together like it was meant to be. Walking to the dance floor still hand in hand. Everything was quite while we danced until she broke the silence between us "It's strange, I don't normally dance with strangers" "why take my offer to dance then?"

"You seem different, plus this is a masquerade" she spoke while I span her around. "Different? Here let's get a drink" I held her hand pulling her over to the table with champagne. I handed her a glass. "Wow this stuff seems so fancy, the guy that hosted the party must really have a lot of money" she looked at the glass seeing gold flakes floating in the golden liquid. "Yes I do" "oh I didn't mean that in a bad way, sorry" she was shocked.

"No it's fine, I'll be honest I need something to spend my money on. Money doesn't really make you happy though" I lead her to a room away from the party. "So it's just you on your own?" She asked stepping out onto the balcony looking over at the city lights below. "Just me, I do kind of wish I had someone to spend the money on" I took off the mask putting it on the table before stepping out onto the balcony.

"Why?" She asked still looking at the light below "I have so much money and don't know what to do with it. So it would be nice to spend the money on someone that means a lot to me. Yeah I know sounds stupid" "no it doesn't sound stupid at all, I understand. But you are a very handsome man, I'm surprised you haven't already got someone" she spoke taking a sip of the champagne. "Well I do have my eyes set on someone" I tell her standing next to her.

"Do tell" she smiled looking at me. "I would but...." I didn't know how to say it to her, yes I like her and I want to tell her but she doesn't need my messed up life in hers. I'm a killer and she doesn't deserve to be caught up in my messed up life. "Why, are you too scared to tell her?"

"No, I just have a messed up life. She doesn't deserve to have her life a mess because of me" I sigh taking a sip of my own champagne. "I see, but I'm sure she would be supportive and help you"

"Would you?" I asked her wanting to see what she would say. "Yes I would" she smiled brightly once again. "So who's the girl?".
"You" I said straight up waiting for the rejection. "Wait really me? Well that's a shock, why me?" She looked back down at the city's lights "well your the most beautiful girl I've seen, I've been wanting to speak to you for so long"

"I'm flattered but you don't really know me" "then let me take you got somewhere, then we can get to know each other" I suggest to her. "Sounds like a plan" she smiled looking ahead of her.

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