Harry #5

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Football Couch.

You had always loved football but never had the time to play, and when it came to school you never had many friends that liked football. Now since you had finished school you now had the time to play so you decided to hire a football couch. Today was your first day with the football couch and you had started to feel nervous as meeting new people always made you nervous.

You got ready making sure to pack the things you would need, you grabbed a large bag filling it with; Water bottles, football boots, shin pads, and spare clothes. After trying to ram everything into the bag you zipped it up dragging the large bag to the boot of your car. It was now time to leave and meet this new football couch.

the good thing about this was that you didn't have any one else there so the couches full attention would be on you at all time making it so you would learn a lot quicker.

The drive wasn't long as the field was local to you, you could even walk to it but carrying that massive bag and dressed in this football outfit you decided it would be best to drive plus you could get home quicker. You would never want to miss your date with Netflix's and the large tub of ice cream that sits in the freezer back at home.

You jumped out the car making sure to grab the stuff you needed before making your way across the field and into the changing rooms. You didn't see any one else here so you decided to slip the shin pads up to your shins before putting the football socks and boots on. Within that time you hoped the football couch would be here.

you ran out the changing room and there stood a guy with messy light brown hair getting out football equipment from a large black bag. "You must be Y/N right?" he asked letting the football fall onto the muddy ground. "Yeah" You speak lowly as your shyness came out, in your eyes he was very good looking which made you even more shy. "I'm harry by the way" he extended his hand to you and you gladly took his hand feeling this warmth as you shook his hand.

"So lets get started shale we" He smiled "Okay" You follow him as he walked towards the middle of the with a bright orange ball under his arm. "Right first things first, I need to teach you how you would kick the ball, and that's with the inside of your foot here" he said pointing to the inside side of his right foot "Try not to kick the ball with the toe of your foot that can hurt" he then placed the ball on the ground putting his right foot next to it "Look I'll show you, its easy" he then gave the ball a slight kick making it roll a little bit in front of you "You try"

You looked down at the ball and put your foot next to it making sure the inside of your foot is touching it, you did the same as him kicking softly making the ball roll back to him "Good, now lets move on" he smiled again at you.

Time went on and you started to feel a lot better around him and you where learning fast, it wasn't long before the lesson came to an end. "So I really had fun teaching you Y/N, your a fat learner as well" "Thank you" you smile at him. "hey before you go could I get your number, I would love to hang out some time. That is if you want" he said scratching the back of his neck while kicking a ball around at his feet. "Yeah I would love too" You say, he handed his phone over to you. You put your number in then gave it back to him. "Thanks, I'll text you later." He said picking all his equipment up.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Harry" You smile running off to get change into something better then a football kit. You put your hair up into a messy bun not caring to find a mirror so you could see what it looked like, then putting on jogging bottoms and a large t-shirt. It just saved you time so you didn't have to change again when you got home.

You got back to your house again dragging the heavy bag back up the drive, you left the bag by the door making your way to the kitchen so you could get the ice cream you have been craving all day. Just as you started the program you wanted to watch a text came through to your phone.

you smiled seeing it was harry and replied just before changing his name

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you smiled seeing it was harry and replied just before changing his name.

For the rest of the night you and Harry had face timed, it felt like you where like old friends

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For the rest of the night you and Harry had face timed, it felt like you where like old friends.

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