Ethan (part 2)

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Your POV

You woke up at the sound of your phone, you look over to your phone and open the text you got from Ethan.

'Hey (y/n) I'm gonna come pick you up at half 1 is that okay 😊' you smile at the text as you read it and reply with 'sure text me when you get here ☺️'

You jump out of bed and go straight to your wardrobe to get your clothes ready for yours and Ethan's little date well that's what you where classing it as.

You picked out your favourite dress with some shoes that matched the dress and placed them on the bed while you got a shower.

After your shower you put your dress on then did your hair and make up just as you finished your make up you got a text.

You unlocked your phone and read the text from Ethan saying that he was waiting for you.

You quickly got up and grabbed your shoes then ran down the stairs.

You opened your door to see Ethan leaning against the wall outside your house.

You smiled at him as he looked your way, he smiled back and walked over to you.

"Hey (y/n) you look nice" he says "em thanks, so where we off" you say as you put your shoes on.

"It's a secret come on" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you to a taxi.

You both get into the taxi and the driver starts to head to where ever you where going and it looked like Ethan already told the driver where you were going before you got in.

"You know I'm not a big fan of surprises" you say looking over to Ethan.

Ethan just laughed at you and said "well you'll love this surprise"

After a short journey of talking and laughing you arrived at where every this surprise is.

Ethan got out and quickly got to your side and let you out while paying the driver.

"So what's this surprise then" you ask "you'll see come on follow me" he says holding your hand and leading you over to a real fancy restaurant.

"Really this place is so expensive you didn't have to take me here for dinner" you say looking up at the place.

Ethan just leads you into the place "have you booked a table sir" a waiter asked "yeah I booked a table for two in the name Ethan Payne" Ethan says while you stand next to him admiring the place.

"Ah yes would you like to follow me" the waiter says picking up two menus and walking to a small table in the corner of the room.

"Here's your table" he says pulling out your chairs so you can sit he leaves you with the menus he picked up earlier and walked off leaving you two to pick what you wanted to eat.

"So what you getting" Ethan asks you as he looking through the menu "I have no idea this place is so posh" you say looking at all the food you could chose.

"Okay I think I'm gonna go with the stake" Ethan says putting down his menu.

"That's so expensive thought I don't want you to pay to much on me" you says looking for the cheapest thing you could.

The waiter came back over and asked "would you like to order"

You where about to say not yet but Ethan said yes and ordered you both the stakes and a bottle of red wine.

"You didn't have to get me the most expensive thing on the menu it's enough that you're even taking me out" you say smiling and holding his hand.

"Well I do you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and your perfect in every way you deserve to be taken out for a nice meal" he says smiling and squeezing your hand a little.

"Thank you" you say blushing and looking away so he couldn't see you blushing.

He put his hand under your chin and lifted your head up so you where looking right into his eyes.

You just smiled at him and touched his cheek "thank you Ethan really your the first person to ever say anything so nice to me" you say.

He just looks at you and leaned in closer to you, just ask you where about to kiss the waiter came back with the bottle of wine Ethan asked for.

You both pull away from each other and you both blushed a deep red as he pored the wine into your glass he left the bottle on the table still half full and left.

You both just looked at each other and started to laugh at just happened "and that's why I love you, you just laugh it all off" you say smiling.

Ethan laughed at you again and pulled you into a kiss.

It surprised you at first but you kissed back, you both pulled away for air you where just speechless you had no words for what just happened.

"So what do you think too surprises now" Ethan laughed "I think I'm starting to like them" you laugh back.

( so part two of the Ethan imagine not gonna lie I had no idea what I was gonna put in this and I have deleted this so many time and now I think I'm happy with it I hope you all in joyed it. but I've just got to say to everyone that reads my books that I'm going on holiday in a few weeks so I won't be able to update when I'm on holiday because I'm not taking my phone with me and I'm pretty sure I have to pay for the wifi over there but if there free wifi I will update on my kindle. Also the reason I probably won't be updating the weeks before I go on holiday is because batman arkham knight is coming out so I'm probably gonna be playing that, but as soon as I get back from my holiday I will update all my books)

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