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Your POV

You were sat in the car with you best friend jj also known as Ksi he maybe a YouTuber but he's still a good friend to you.

"IN MY LAMBORGHINI" jj shouted/sang as we where on are way to the sidemen house in his Lamborghini.

You've never really met any of the other sidemen you've just seen there videos but there was one sidemen you really wanted to meet and that was Ethan.

"Where here" jj shouts about to get out the car "they do know you where bring me here right" you ask getting out the car with him "yeah I told them I was going to be picking up my friend they just don't know your a girl" he says walking up to the house.

"You never told us you where bring a girl" josh says opening the door for you and jj

"She's just a friend simon" jj says walking past him.

You both walk into the living room to see the rest of the sidemen expected simon to do a real life video.

"Okay everyone this is (y/n)" jj says as you walk next to him "hi" you say shyly "is she your new girlfriend" Ethan asks as he sits down.

"No we've been friends since school" jj says as you both sit down "hey (y/n) haven't seen you in a while" simon says hugging you.

Then the boys start to talk about what videos they where going to do you couldn't help but notice that Ethan kept looking at you, you look up at him and look into each other's eyes and you both blushed and looked away.

"Okay let's get stuff ready, Ethan and (y/n) you two go get the camera and tripod" Simon says as the rest of them do there stuff.

"So you've been friends with jj and Simon a long time" Ethan says trying to make conversation.

"Yeah I guess we have" "so do you like watch are videos as well or not into that stuff" he asks you "I love gaming and that and I mostly watch your videos I'm sort of a big fan of yours" you says still not making eye contact.

"Wow I would of thought you would watch Simons and jj more then mine" Ethan says.

You giggle at what he says. "but I have to admit your really pretty" you blush at what he says and thank him.

He grabs the tripod and you grab the camera "so do you want to go out one time like for lunch, dinner or just a drink" Ethan asks you as you head back down stairs.

"They all sound fun so why not" you say finally looking at him and smiling "cool so how about lunch first then dinner some other time".

"Sure text me tomorrow when your ready" you say as you both get down to the bottom of the stairs.

( I'm gonna carry on with this one once I've done the rest of the sidemen it's going to be a part 2 like the Harry imagine and you can suggest any image just comment or message me)

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