Simon #3 (part 2)

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Your POV

"Well you passed out, yeah that's what happened" Simon says scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah because you bit me!" You shout in panic. "Oh so you do remember, sorry" he says looking down at the floor.

"Look we can't let you leave here now, thank Simon for that one" Josh says glaring at Simon as he spoke. "Look I didn't mean to okay" Simon fights back at him.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" You ask confused and scared. "Really, thought you would of guessed by now" Josh says surprised at your words.

'Well I guessed vampires but vampires aren't real' you think looking down not wanting to have eye contact with them.

"And yes what you are thinking is right, we are vampires and we do exist" Simon speaks up his eyes still glued to you. You where shocked by what he just said and you couldn't help think that he can read minds.

"Yes I can" "stop that" you shout at him. "Just proving to you that's all" he says with a smirk on his face. "But why can't I leave. I want to go home" you say with a low voice still not wanting eye contact with them.

You felt a presence of someone crouching in front of you then the feeling of someone finger under your chin and lifting your head up towards them. Looking up into Simons eyes he gave you a small smile.

"Look, this is my fault and I shouldn't have bit you but it happened" "Now what, you gonna kill me now?" You asked him, all he did was frown "No, I cant do that. I don't like killing people" he says his frown still not leaving his face.

"Then what" you asked him just wanting to wake up from this nightmare. "Well we can compel you to forget this" He says letting go of you. "Then just do that and let me leave"

All Simon did was shake his head and stood back on his feet looking down at you "You didn't hear the second option" he tells you still looking down at you "Then what's the second option" "You stay and help us out" Josh spoke up "Help you? what do you mean" you where confused at this point, you didn't understand why they needed help. 

"Blood" Josh spat out coldly with his eyes shifting to red back to his normal eye colour "Blood! You mean just feed you guys blood!" You where so shocked at what Josh just said. "Well yeah stupid" He says rolling his eyes at you.

"Look if you stay you would help us out a lot and we wont kill you, we can control ourselves" Simon says his eyes looked so compelling as they looked into yours. You felt as if you should just give in and say yes to him but you shook it off and gave him a stern look. "You almost killed me not too long ago and you say you can control yourselves!" you shout. Simon looked shocked at your outburst "Yes but that was only because I had not eaten in so long" His eyes looked pleating his time hoping You would say yes to him.

You did feel bad for him and he was one of your favourite YouTubers, plus if you say yes to them you would get to live in the same house. It would also mean that they wouldn't hurt anyone else like what had done to you not too long ago, yes it would hurt but you might get used to it.

"What happens if I say yes" You ask them as you thought about what would happen if you say yes. "Well we will give you the spare room that will be your room and you can do what ever you want. Yet you will have to feed us when we need" Josh tells you with a small smile making you more calm. "Yeah you don't have to stay here all the time you can leave as long as you come back of course" Simon smiles at you "So you're just gonna trust me like that even though you don't know me?" You ask the boys getting back on your feet this time.

"Well when I tasted your blood I could tell you are a good person that wants to help others" you stood there shocked at what he just said "You can get that just from drinking someone's blood?" you didn't know much about vampires all you knew was that they drink people blood. "Yep. We can also taste emotions as well, but we trust you. So?" Simon still has a smile on his face towards you. "Okay I guess" You still where not sure about this but all you could think at this point is how lucky you where.

So many others would kill at this chance to be able to live with some of the sidemen and you where gonna be that lucky person to stay with them. The pain that you would get from them would be worth it, if you get to live in the same house as them. Maybe this wont be as bad after all you think to your self smiling.

(Second part hope you liked it, sorry its bad didn't really know what to write about in the second part so I hope this is good enough)

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