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(Okay I just have to say I'm so sorry for not up dating I've got my first exam next week but I'm gonna try my hardest to update more)
your POV

It's finally the day of the wedding not yours but your brothers, Josh's wedding you where quite scared that you would mess something up.

You where sat with the rest of the bridesmaids you didn't really know them but you where getting a long fine.

"I have something for you guys seen as you guys have helped me so much" Freya say walking in.

She gave us all a small box and inside was a small diamond necklace "it's so pretty thank you Freya" you say greeting up to hug her.

"Okay let's go or where gonna be late" your mum shouts from down the hall way.

You and the rest of the girls started to head to the cars so you could get to the church.

"I just hope I don't fall over when we walk down the aisle" you say getting worried "hey (y/n) it will be okay" Freya says smiling at you, you smile back and relax a little more.

After a ten minute drive you were finally here at the church, "okay girls get ready" your mum says again helping you all out the car.

All the other bridesmaids where together getting all giddy about seeing Freya and josh getting married.

You where at the back seen as the other bridesmaid wanted to be more at the front "you don't mind if I walk with you do you the others are all to girly for me and I think we're gonna get along much more" one of the bridesmaids called Jane asked you.

"Sure" you say smiling and you both held on to each other seen as you both weren't used to heels.

"Okay let's do this and if I'm gonna fall your coming with me and if you fall in going down with you" she says you both laugh "deal" you say walking into the church.

As you walked in you saw josh smiling like an idiot and the rest of the sidemen close to the front of the church.

You couldn't help but smile as soon as you saw Toby next to josh being Josh's the best man.

Finally reaching to where josh was stood Freya's mum gave Freya's hand to your brother.

You sat down next to Simon who was sat with the other sidemen and Jane sat next to you as the other bridesmaids sat in front already crying with happiness.

After a long boring how ever long it was they where finally about to kiss, you and Jane where the most childish ones there except some of the other sidemen so you all laughed quietly as Simon said "ew"

"Can the bridesmaids and the brides and grooms parents like to follow us" the vicar says to us. "guess that's us" you say to Simon.

Simon just laughs at you as you and Jane both follow everyone else so they could sign the papers.

"Is that it now" you ask Jane quietly "I think so" she says that when everyone starts to head out so you both follow everyone else outside.

Josh and Freya where going in a separate car as you got to go with the sidemen as well as Jane.

Everyone was talking about the wedding so you decided you would try to find Freya and josh.

"Josh!" you shout hugging him "hey (y/n)" he says hugging you back. "hey you two should be proud of your selfs you didn't fall like you thought you where" Freya says laughing.

"Well if one of us where gonna fall we where gonna bring down the other" Jane says.

"Okay well you guys have fun in your own car where gonna set off now" Freya says Holding Josh's hand as they go off to get into there car.

"Guys we should started to head off then" Simon says getting into the next car as Freya and Josh head off to the hotel.

You and Jane follow the other sidemen to the car and you all climb in, you next to Toby and Jane got to sit next to Simon and she looked very happy about that.

"So guys, who's ready to party!" Toby say with the rest of the sidemen shouting and screaming.

After the 20 minute long ride of the guys shouting and all that you where there waiting for everyone else to arrive so you could eat.

You and the rest of the guys decided to take a walk around the place that's when Toby stopped you while the rest of the guys carried on.

"Hey can I talk to you" he asks.
You just nod as Toby drags you into a small room to the side.

"Okay so we've known each other for quite a bit seen as I'm Josh's best friend and your his sister" he says looking at you "yeah where's this going Toby" you ask confused.

"Well I just need to get this off my chest" "okay what is it toby" you ask still confused.

"Well I like you as in like like you" he says looking down and blushing "really" you say with a big smile.

"Really and I'm gonna do the one thing I should of done a long time ago" he says looking at you once again.

"And what's tha...." You where cut off by Toby kissing you.

You where shocked at first but you kissed him back "in so sorry please don't tell josh about this he will k....." That's when you cut him off by kissing him.

"It's okay it will be are little secret" you say and walk off leaving Toby in the room while you went to find Josh and Freya.

( sorry for not updating but please send me a message or comment if you want me to do a certain sideman imagine the next one will be a Simon one suggested by thesidemen )

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