JJ #2

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(So I've decided that I'm going to make myself an update schedule because I'm really bad at not updating my books, so at the moment I have three different books that I am working on and I am going to be updating them once every week. This book will be updated every Saturday at about 5pm (UK time), my sidemen vs SideGirls book will be updated every Sunday and my creepypasta book will be updated every Friday. I'm hoping this will make me update more and not forget about updating)


Great now I've been put into detention once again, because of this guy Simon. We don't get on at all and we ended up fighting, now they want us to work with each other in lessons and become friends, which isn't going to work no matter what they do we are still going to hate each other.

The reason why we keep fighting is because we just don't get on plus he's getting really close to this girl that I like and I can tell he likes her too. I just hope I can win her over and who knows if I have to work with him and become friends I might get to talk to her.

Your POV.

You had just finished a long boring class of history and you had noticed that JJ and Simon keep giving each other looks and not the good type, you had tried to distract him from JJ by trying to talk to him all lesson seen as you where sat next to him.

You walked out of the class room to see JJ stood with all his mates. As you walked past them JJ said something just loud enough for Simon to hear but quite enough for you not to. That's when Simon lost it and went for JJ.

You shouted for Simon to leave it and that he wasn't worth his time, but he never listened to you. You wanted to step in to try and stop the two boys from fighting, but you didn't want to get in the way and get hurt yourself so you couldn't really do much but shout to Simon to stop.

Just then the class room door opened to show your history teacher looking quite annoyed at the two boys and going to break the fight up. He grabbed them by their arms and took them to the headteachers office as well as telling you and JJs friends to come with due to you lot seeing the fight unravel in front of you.


It had been a few days since the fight happened between your best friend Simon and your all time crush JJ and the teachers where now making them work together in classes as well as trying to make them both become friends.

You think it's good for both of them to become friends, you might even become friends with JJ if they both get along okay and you where determined to make sure they both become friends so you could get close to JJ.

It was a few weeks later, both JJ and Simon have become really good friends including you, It turns out they have a lot of things in common and they're always round at each other's houses playing Fifa or kicking a ball around a field.

It was JJs birthday soon and he was throwing a party today which you and Simon where both invited too. You where really excited to go seen as you and JJ have become extremely close to one another and you where going to make yourself look really good to impress him.

You put on your favourite dress which was your favourite colour and well as some make up that made your eyes stand out. You slipped on some heels before waiting for Simon to come and pick you up. Even though JJ only lived down the street from you didn't want to walk down on your own so Simon offered to walk down with you seen as he would of walked past your house anyway.

It didn't take him long to get to yours after you where ready so you where straight out the door and walking down to JJs house. You could feel the nerves taking over you, thinking what if he doesn't like you and that he only wants to be friends.

You arrived at his house and JJ opened the door as soon as you knocked, he gave you both a big smile and let you walk in as you both did Simon gave JJ a smile and walked off into the living room to leave both you and JJ alone together.

Just when Simon walked off JJ gave a big smile to you and then the next thing he did shocked you, he kissed you and all you could do was kiss back so you did, that's when you knew this was the start to something great.

(It's not amazing but I just didn't know what to write so I came up with this, I hope it's okay for you all. Also please give me some suggestions for more of these, I have a few more ideas but I'm gonna need some more just comment or message me if you have any ideas.)

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