JJ #5

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The Music Class.

Another day of boring school, you never where a big fan of school but who was really. You only went to see your friends but it wasn't all bad, music class. It was the only class you where happy enough to be in, messing around with the keyboards and other interments. However you did have JJ in your class and for some reason you never really got on with him, he would also make the lesson all about annoying you and ruining the song you where trying to make on the keyboard. Your friends would always say that its because he likes you that he's annoying you, but you couldn't stand it when he would laugh at you for getting angry with him and it was even worse when his friend Simon would join in with him.

Today was the day you where gonna try and move away from him, just so you could work on the song you had been working on for weeks. It should be finished now but because of him its taken so much longer.

"I know man thats what I said" You knew all to well the owner of that voice JJ and he was talking to simon about something. you only walked past him and sat in your normal place. "Well look who it is" JJ said stopping his conversation with his friend "So hows the song going?" He said with a laugh knowing full well how much he annoys you in lesson. "Still not finished because of you" You glare at him as you started to get your things out. Yet before you had the chance to get a pen out Simon had took the small note book from you. "Hey!" You stand in your chair trying to take the book back. "Cool song, maybe JJ could do a rap over it" Simon laughed as he was looking through the book of all the notes you had written down. "Give it back so I can do my work" You went to grab the book only to fail as Simon pulled it way from your grasp.

"Simon JJ!" Well for once he can see what they do to you every lesson and hopefully move you. "Sorry sir" They both say, Simon throwing the book back to you. You grab it sitting back at your desk. "Good now, everyone can get on with their work" That was it he sat at his own desk not giving me the option to get away grom the two boys. "So whats the song about" JJ asked as he looked at the book you had in your hand. "Nothing to do with you" You turn to the keyboard turning it on before starting to play and hopfully finish the song you wanted to do. The lesson went on and JJ didnt say a work he just watched you the whole time, and you wherent much of a fan of that "Em is there something wong" You ask. "No why?" "Well you're just looking at me" You turn from the keyboard "Oh, I think you're really good with a keyboard" He said looking at you "Right, okay. So no annoying me today then?" You asked him once again. "Nah, got bored of that" "Right" Was the last thing you said before going back to the keyboard and you had finally finished the song you had been working on for so long. "Okay thank you everyone you are free to go" It was the end of the lesson and you started to pack up yet JJ had stopped you "Hey Simon I'll see you at lunch yeah" JJ had said while Simon walked out the door. "Yo Y/N mind playing the song for me before you leave?" JJ was asking you to play the song you had been working on for so long, you where shocked but you didnt see why not. You hadnt really played it through yet as end of class came before. "Em okay" You sit back down turning the keyboard back on and starting the song.

JJ clapped as you played the last note, he was impressed with your skills. "Wow. That was really nice" JJ had a large smile on his face. You smiled back thanking him. "Hey look Y/N I'm sorry for being a dick to you, its just you're a really nice girl and its not offen I get the chance to sit next to such a talented person" Was he trying to confess to you or something? "Oh okay, Thank you I guess" You didnt really know what to say to him or where he was even going with his. "What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and I kind of like you" He looked down at his shoes as he spoke. You where shocked from his confession. "So maybe you would like to hang with me and the guys for lunch. I'll be nicer to you from now on" He looked back to you hoping you would say yes.

You gave a small smile to him. "Thank you JJ, that would be nice" you where one for second chances so why not. If he does it all again then I guess you could just not talk to him again if it came to it.

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