Simon #3 (part 1)

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Your POV

"I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)" a young women says as you walk outside the small cafe "yeah see you later Kat" you say to your coworker.

You had just finished a long night shift at work and are now walking back to your apartment on the outskirts of London.

You pulled out your headphones and placed them in your phone and ears. You clicked on your favourite song and turned the volume as far as it would go up to block out the strangers walking by you.

After 10 minutes of walking you felt as if someone was watching you, you tried to shrug it off as you being paranoid seen as it was 1 in the morning.

You turned the corner into a long alleyway that would cut off at least 10 minutes off your walk.

You felt the same feeling you felt 5 minutes ago except you knew this wasn't paranoia, you really knew someone was fallowing you.

You took the headphones out of your ears and carried on walking just to see if you could hear anything, like foot steps.

You walked faster as your fear started to grow knowing that someone was following you home. You heard footsteps getting closer and closer to you so you started to speed up even more then you where going, you got the courage to turn around just to see if someone was really following you. You knew that this was a bad idea from all the horror movies you have watched but you needed to know what was following you.

You turned around quickly to see nothing. Nothing at all, not even an animal. You sigh in relief and carried on walking. You saw the end of the alleyway and you relaxed knowing that you where not far off home.

Just as you stared to relax you felt someone forcefully grab you from behind "don't scream or try to run" a male voice says in your ear. As much as you wanted to scream for help you just couldn't your body just would not let even a small noise come from your mouth, you couldn't work out how he just did that to you without coving your mouth but by just saying simply 'don't scream'. You blanked out within a matter of seconds as soon as you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck.


You woke up to the sound of people arguing but you couldn't work out what they where saying.

You looked around the room and saw that you where in a bedroom what wasn't yours, you get up from the cream bed and walk over to the door. You open the door as quietly as you could so whoever lives here wouldn't hear you trying to leave to stop you.

You didn't really remember much from what happened the night before all you could remember was a man telling you not to scream or run and then blanking out at the pain you felt in your neck.

You walked closer to the voices just to hear what they where talking about before you tried to find a way out of the house. Just when you got close enough you heard his voice, the same voice you met the night before the person you thought was going to take your life.

You tried to back away from the door you where listening too, too then fall over something that was on the wooden floor. 'Great' you thought as you sat on the hard floor.

Just as you stared to get back up off the floor hoping they didn't hear you, the door opened. There looking down at you where some familiar faces, that's when it clicked, you where in the sidemen house and there was Josh, JJ, Vik and Simon.

"Well she's not dead then" Josh says with no exasperation in his face and then the look of relief on Simons face. "What's going on" you asked your voice shaking with fear, not knowing why you where here and why Simon was the one that attacked you last night.

(I'm going to be making a part 2 to this one as long as you all like this one and want me too make a second part of it, just vote or even comment if you do want the second part of this.)

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