Josh #5

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My Best Friends A Vampire.

Your POV

Me and Josh have been friends for years now, yet I have something I've been wanting to tell him ever since we become good friends. I keep putting it off and now I think its time to tell him. Its only a matter of time before he finds out, but I'm also scared to tell him. Many things run through my mind is that he will hate me for not telling him, or that he would hate me because of what I am. However he has been the most supportive friend and losing him would break my heart.

Again it was time for school, I got up doing the usual making myself look presentable. I ran down stairs making my way to the fridge getting a few blood bags to get me through the day. I wasn't a fan of hurting people for blood so my sister who worked as a doctor could get me bags of blood, I'm not picky when it comes to it and ill drink any blood bag that is given to me.

The only thing I've got to be careful about is anyone seeing me drink from them, so I do it all in the bathroom at school. Yes not the best place to eat I know, but it stops anyone from seeing me. Now when it comes to human food I can eat it but doesn't really do anything for me, so I would take a few bits of fruit and snacks to eat during lunch just so no one suspects me. I filled a cardboard coffee cup up with the blood and went on my way to school.

Reaching the school gates the first person I saw was Josh along with the rest of the boys. "Y/N" Josh shouted waving me over to him. "Hey guys" I smiled making my way to the 7 boys that where messing around. "You never bring us any coffee" JJ pouted seeing your coffee cut sill in hand "Sorry, text me next time and I will" I smile at the pouting boy. I finished up the blood within the cup throwing away the cup into the rubbish bin by the side of us.

"Lets go to class shall we" I spoke stopping the boys from jumping on top of each other. "I guess" Simon spoke picking up his bag from the floor. "Yo, you okay?" Josh asked pulling me to the back of the group "Yep, I'm all good" I smiled at him "Nah don't lie to me Y/N I can see there is something up with you" He spoke sounding worried for you "well there is something but I don't really know how to tell you and I've been up all night thinking about how to tell you" I let out making him stop in this tracks "So juts come out with it, you know you will always be my best friend nothing will chance that" He said looking at me serous.

"I cant say it right here right now. Its kind of privet" I whispered to him so no one else would hear me as I spoke "Tell me at lunch we will go to the roof top and you can tell me there, no one goes there and wont here us. Okay?" He said taking a few steps to be at your side once again. "Okay" was all that I said before making our way to our first class.

The morning went a lot quicker then I thought it would and all I could think about was how I was going to tell josh. I was zoning out and missing most of the important information that we needed to know. I was lucky enough to have Josh take notes not only for himself but me as he saw me losing myself in my thoughts. I felt bad as he didn't need to do it and it was my own fault for not listening to the teacher.

That's when lunch came and the talk with Josh was just seconds away. I followed behind him as we made our way up to the roof. "Spill" He said turning to face me as we got to the roof. "You wont hate me right?" I asked worried about telling him this. I had been thinking this over and over again on how I should tell him, I came up with the idea of just coming out and telling him. Yet you didn't just have the thoughts of how I was going to tell him, I also had the thoughts of blood rushing through my head.

What made this all worse was that your super hearing and smell was picking up the blood rushing through his own veins, right now all I wanted to do was sink my fangs deep within his neck and drink his let the red liquid spill into my mouth. I tried shanking it off knowing that I had to say this quick and fast before I end up hurting my best friend just because of the demon inside of me wants me to drink my fill. "Why would I" He said coming closer.

"Because I'm not normal and I need to tell you this before you find out on your own, please just don't be scared of me" "Go on Y/N" He said just wanting to know what you need to tell him. "I'm a vampire and no this is not a joke. I can prove it to you" he didn't say anything at all but just look at me shocked. "Show me then" He said coming out of his dazed state. I let the fangs that are kept hidden out to show him that I wasn't lying to him. "Wow now that's cool. I've got a vampire best friend" He said

"Your not scared?" I asked him shocked by what he said "No this is cool, just as long as you wont suck me of my blood now" "I wouldn't I drink from blood bags and I really need one right now" I say looking through my bag to find one at the bottom of my bag. "You can go now, don't think you need to see this" I say turning to rip it open and swallow the bags contents of blood. As I turned back he was still there. "You done, I'm sure the rest of the guys are wondering where we are" He spoke as if this talk did not happen. "err yeah, so that's it?" I asked him "Well you don't want any one to know so yeah I guess so, don't worry I wont tell a soul about any of this" He said giving me a smile before making his way to the door that would lead back into the school building.

I followed after him making our way back to the rest of the guys for lunch. I will admit it was nice that he just expected it and that I got it off my chest, I'm glad we can remain friends.

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