Vikk #5

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Happy Birthday Vikk!!!!

New Witch.

It was your forth day at this new school for supernatural beings like yourself, yes you had been going to a normal school and you had known about being a witch most of your life. But your parents had finally decided you should go to a school for supernatural beings to learn about magic.

You never knew that in London there would be a school just like that, it was very hidden and didn't look like some sort of campus but you could say it was like the tardiest looked small on the outside but so much bigger on the in.

You hadn't made many friends just yet and you where still meeting new people as it was your first week and you still had 2 (Including this day) to get through all your lessons. You did however make friends with a girl just a few inch's smaller then you, she always had her hair was always up with a different colour bow each day holding the long straight locks up, she had light make up (Mascara, concealer, nude eyeshadow, and two tone lip gloss that was a darker pink on the inside and lighter out) to finish her look she had large round rimed glasses on, she was very pretty but a lot of the over girls classed her as a nerd, as she was extremely smart. Rose was her name and ever though you had just made friends with her a few days ago it was like you had been friends for years.

"Y/N!" you heard the voice of your new found friend, "Hey Rose" you smile at her as she reaches your side "You ready for today, we have all the same lessons again" she spoke with brightness in her voice. "Can't wait, glad I've got you with me. So what classes do we have today?" you ask her as you both make your way onto the campus. "Em, oh we have spell class, cant wait to learn new spells" she smiled getting excited. "Oh and I guess I should tell you about Vikk, he's so nice and sweet to everyone but he's really smart so watch out for that, he even makes me feel dumb at times." she laughed.

You both had reached the building in no time making your way up the stairs to go to your first lesson of the day. Reaching the door Rose opened the door reviling only two other students in the room.

"We're early today I guess" She said making her way over to the other two students in the room, you followed close behind. "Oh the new girls here" a boy with black hair spoke looking behind Rose trying to take a glace at you. "Yep and her names Y/N. Be nice to her please Vikk and you too Simon" Rose spoke up taking a seat next to Vikk and his friend, you joined them as you didn't really want to leave Roses side as she was the only friend you had here.

"Don't worry Rose I will" The boy called Vikk told her while smiling at you. "Okay Y/N this is Vikk he can be annoying at time and Simon he can also be annoying at times" Rose pointed to the both of them so you knew who was who. It wasn't long before the class room was filling up with other students.

"Don't worry these two aren't that bad you'll get to know them soon enough" Rose whispered to you so the two boys could hear her. You nodded at her before facing your attention to the teacher that started talking about the lesson.

The lesson was a lot more fun then you thought it would be, you had to be in pairs. The teacher paired you up with Vikk she wasn't that bad yes he used a lot of puns but he helped a lot when it can to the spells as you where still quite new to this whole witch thing. The spells started to get easer as you started to get used to doing them, Vikk was impressed with how well you where doing to say it was only your fourth day today.

Every now and then you would look over to Rose and Simon who where paired together, you could help but laugh at the two of them trying to prove each other wrong only to be both wrong. The lesson ended and you had already made two more friends (Vikk and Simon).

It wasn't long before lunch came around and this time Vikk and Simon stayed with you and Rose. However most of the time you and Vikk where talking, the both of you where getting a long really well you knew it wouldn't be long until you would be best friends.

The weeks went on and the four of you became really close, but you and Vikk where closer to the point where people started to think you where together. "Y/N I need to talk to you later" Vikk said in a serious tone you didn't think much of his tone and agreed to meet him alter after school so you could talk. The end of school came a lot soon then you had realised, you where meeting Vikk at the gates so you could talk.

You rushed to the gate seeing Vikk stood with his hands in his pockets waiting for you "Sorry I'm late" You say a little out of breath from running to the gate "Its fine" He said. "Okay, so what did you want to talk about" You said him being a little more serous this time. "Well I've been thinking all day of how to say this, what the hell I'll just say it. I like you Y/N not like you but really, really like you Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked he looked pained and scared that you would say no to him but you also saw the hope in his eyes that you would say yes.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" You giggled at him as a large bright smile grew on his face "Really. Wow thank you so much Y/N" He jumped around happy then giving you a large bear hug.

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