Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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I was born September 12th, 1991 to Howard and Maria Stark. I am the second and last child, I have an older brother named Tony Stark. When I was born he was 19.

But then our parents passed away on December 16, 1991. I was only three months old. I was left in Tony's care....he was more like my father through the years.

Let's just say....he's difficult.


I am now 17 years old, Tony still takes care of me but he's always gone partying. His assistant Pepper is amazing...she always looked after me like a mother.

I was glad Tony and I's rooms were far apart...he had a woman over. Ew

I walk through the house finding Pepper talking to....Christine Everhart. Ew.

"Hey Pepper." I put my arm around her.

"The famous Y/N Stark." Christine smiles.

"And you are?" I ask to mess with her.

She frowns, "I'm-"

"Oh! Wait I know you! Your the hoe that sleeps with half of Malibu." I laugh. "I wonder who will be next....Obadiah Stane? Or have you already done him?" I smile. Christine huffs and takes her dry cleaning, walking off.

"Y/ shouldn't talk like that." Pepper laughs.

"Come was funny."

" was." She smiles.

I take my hand from behind my back and present a small gift to her. "Happy Birthday." I smile.

"Y/ shouldn't of done that." She smiles.

"I wanted to." I hand it to her. She opens it to reveal a necklace with two diamonds. On the back it said her initials and mine. "You've always been like a mother to me Pepper...I'm very thankful for you."

Pepper starts to cry, "Y/N...oh my god!" She hugs me. "I don't deserve you." She hugs me tightly.

"You got that all wrong....I don't deserve you." I watch as she puts it on.

"Thank you Y/N." She smiles sweetly.

"You look beautiful." I smile, walking ahead of her to Tony's workshop.

"You are supposed to be halfway around the world right now." Pepper says as we walk inside.

"How'd she take it?"

"Like a champ....Y/N may have made her mad though." Pepper smiles as I sit on top of his table, swinging my legs back and forth as Tony works on his car.

"What did you say?"

"I called her a hoe." I shrug.

Tony shakes his head and turns to Pepper, "Why are you trying to hustle me out of here?"

"Your flight was scheduled to leave an hour and a half ago."

"That's funny, I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there." Tony says, standing.

"Tony, I need to speak to you about a couple things before I get you out of the door."

"I mean, doesn't it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you arrive?" Tony asks.

"Larry called. He's got another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings. Do you want it? Yes or no."

Tony looks over, "Is it a good representation of his spring period?"

"Um, no. The Springs was actually the neighborhood in East Hampton where he lived and worked-"

"So?" Tony shrugs.

"-not spring like the season. I think it's a fair example. Um.. I think it's incredibly overpriced."

"I need it. Buy it. Store it." He walks past her.

"Okay. The MIT commencement speech..."

"Is in June. Please, don't harangue me about stuff that's way, way, down..." He shakes his head.

"Well, they're haranguing me, so I'm gonna say yes."

"Deflect it and absorb it. Don't transmit it back to me." He nods.

"I need you to sign this before you get on the plane."

"What are you trying to get rid of me for? What, you got plans?" He raises an eyebrow.

"As a matter of fact, I do."

"I don't like it when you have plans." He steps forward.

"I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday."

"It's your birthday?" He asks.


"Wow dipshit....nice going." I get off his desk, leaving this weird moment.

"I already knew that!" He yells as I run up the stairs.

Tony hired me private tutors so I could do online school...I tried Public school but that didn't work out.

I was waiting for my tutor, just starting my essay as Tony comes in and puts his bag down. "Alright Pepper said she will stay with you until I get back. Be good, do your homework." He nods.

"Yes dad." I sigh.

Tony comes over and kisses my head, "Hey Nugget....I love you." He smiles and grabs his bag. Tony has called me either Nugget, Angel, or Mini-Me all my life.

"I love you too." I smile as he leaves.

What I didn't know was....this was the last time I was going to see him for a long time.

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