Chapter 16 - Bomb

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I put on my suit as Tony puts on his Armor, we head to the door as a woman enters. "Right there's fine." I point.

"You're not the Mandarin, are you? Are you?" Tony asks.

"You don't remember. Why am I not surprised?" The woman nods.

"Don't take it personally, I don't remember what I had for breakfast."

"Gluten-free waffles, sir." Jarvis says.

Tony nods, "That's right."

The woman looks at me then to tony, "Okay, look, I need to be alone with you. Someplace not here, it's urgent."

"Too bad, I stay with him." I say angrily.

"Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing, but now I'm in a committed relationship." As he turns to walk into the living room, two bags are thrown down from the above balcony. "It's...with her."

"Tony, is somebody there?" Pepper yells as Tony steps out of his suit.

"Yeah, it's Maya Hansen. Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely." As Pepper starts walking downstairs, Tony moves towards Maya and speaks quietly. "Please don't tell me that there is a twelve year-old kid waiting in the car that I've never met."

"Really Tony?" I ask angrily.

"He's thirteen. And no, I need your help."

"What...what for? Why now?" Tony asks.

"Because I read the papers, and, frankly, I don't think you'll last the week."

"I'll be fine." Tony nods.

"Yeah he's got me." I create a ball of power in my hands.

Pepper approaches us, "I'm sorry. With Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests."

"We weren't." Tony says.

"No, I..."

"And old girlfriends!" Pepper chuckles.

Tony shakes his head. "She's not really."

"No, not really. was just one night." Maya nods.


"That's how you did it, isn't it? Yep." Pepper smiles.

"It was a great night."

"Of course it was! It was one of the nights you left me! And I was a child!" I laugh.

Pepper sighs, "You have saved yourself a world of pain."

"Yup." I nod.

Maya nods, "I'm sure."

"What?" Tony looks at all three of us.

Pepper looks at Tony and I, "We're going out of town."

"Okay, we've been through this. Nope."

"Yep!" Pepper smiles.

"Yeah let's go!" I smile.

"The man says no." Tony shakes his head.

"Immediately and indefinitely!" Pepper nods.

Tony steps up to Pepper, "Honey..."

"Great idea. Let's go." Maya nods and goes to pick up the bags.

"I'm sorry. That's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags!" Tony yells.

"Tony, this is how normal people behave." Pepper nods.

"I can't protect you out there. I challenged..."

" that normal?" Maya points to the huge stuffed rabbit.

"Yes, this is normal!" I yell.

"It's a big bunny, relax about it!" Tony yells.

"Calm down!" Pepper says to us.

Tony points at the Rabbit, "I got this for you."

Pepper nods, "I'm aware of that."

"You still haven't even told me that you liked it!"

"I don't like it!" Pepper yells.

"I asked you three... You don't like it?!"

"Tony, we are leaving the house; that's not even up for discussion." Pepper nods.

"I said no."

"Pepper said yes. She's the boss." I nod.

"Guys, can we um..."

"What?" All three of us yell at Maya.

"Do we need to worry about that?" She points to the TV.

The house is suddenly hit, as everything explodes around us, Tony manages to get his Iron Man suit onto Pepper to protect her from the fall, I slam into the wall and groan as I try to stand.

"Move! I'm right behind!" Tony yells as he helps me up, he wraps and arm around me to help me walk. As we run to get out, the floor between Pepper, Tony, and I collapses. "Get her, We're gonna find a way around." Pepper hesitates. "Stop stopping! Get her, get outside! Go!" Pepper manages to grab Maya and use the Iron Man suit to get them safely out of the house. "Can you fly?"

"I don't know." I say weakly. "I....I hit my head." I whisper in pain.

I cry out in pain as I fall down due to the helicopters continuing to fire.

As one more bomb hits the house, I hit my head again and go sliding down off the cliff. "Y/N!" Tony yells as I hit the water.

I try to swim but a huge pile of debris lands on me and slams me to the floor....making me pass out.

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