Chapter 10 - Idiots

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Things have been alright lately, I've trained more so now I'm getting way better at my powers. I'm now 20, which is cool. Tony sometimes refuses to believe I'm an adult.

He's made me my own suit, it's amazing! We also moved to New York, into the new Stark tower!

Pepper and I were inside while Tony was Finishing up outside.

I was playing the piano Tony got for me, as they talked.

"Try to remember...the kind of September. When grass was green and grain was yellow." I sing.

"Where did you learn that?" Tony points at me.

"I'm not seems so familiar." I smile.

"Mom sang that to you." He says as I look away sadly. "We should have her see an agent...she's amazing." Tony says to Pepper. "She could definitely produce music."

"I agree." Pepper smiles as I sit next to them.

"I'm not that good." I laugh.

"Hold up...yes you are." Tony laughs. "What can't you do? Your amazing in all subjects in school, can play the piano, sing, know 3 different languages, and you are amazing at art." He points to my sketch of him and Pepper.

"Stop it." I chuckle.

"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten." Jarvis says.

"Stark, we need to talk." I hear Coulson's voice.

Tony picks up his phone and looks into it at Coulson. "You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message."

"This is urgent."

"Then leave it urgently." At that moment the elevator door opens and Coulson appears. "Security breach. That's on you." He points at Pepper.

"Mr. Stark.....Miss. Stark." Coulson nods at me.

"Phil! Come in." Pepper jumps up.

"Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent." I say.

"Come on in, we're celebrating."

"I can't stay" Coulson smiles.

"Which is why he can't stay." Tony walks over.

"We need you to look this over. Soon as possible. You too Y/N!" He yells over to me.

"I don't like being handed things." Tony says.

"That's alright, 'cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade." She pases her glass of champagne to Coulson, takes the file from him, then takes Tony's glass of champagne while passing the file over to Tony. "Thank you."

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." Tony says.

"This isn't a consultation."

"Is this about The Avengers? Which I...I know nothing about." Pepper nods.

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify."

"I didn't know that either." Pepper says.

"She does." Coulson points at me.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Tony nods.

"That I did know." Pepper smiles.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore."

"Whatever. Miss Potts, got a minute?" Pepper leaves, I tear out a drawing I did and walk over to Coulson.

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