Chapter 25 - Remembering

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While the team was out talking, Tony had me go take a nap. What Ultron wounds....and the fact that Strucker was now dead was a huge shock. I didn't know if I was happy or not...I mean he did torture me.

I look back as my door opens, Tony walks over and sits on the end of my bed, staring off at the ground. "You are worthy....more than anyone on this team." Tony nods. "You deserve the world....I wish I could give it to you." He reaches over and claps his hand around mine.

"Ultron was right." I nod.

"Prove him wrong." Tony whispers.


I was waiting in the shadows as Thor, Steve, and Tony talked to Ultron

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I was waiting in the shadows as Thor, Steve, and Tony talked to Ultron. We had found him in a salvage yard. I look out as a fight breaks out. I fly forward and blast my power at the incoming Bots.

I create a rope of power and latch it onto the boy Pietro who can run very fast, I yank him back and use my power to blast him into some crates. "I can see you." I laugh, flying off. I tackle into one of the thugs and kick the one behind me, I soon stop as I feel something in my head.

I turn to see the girl Wanda, her eyes widen and she steps back. "I-I'm sorry. I know you want to see him." She whispers as she hurries off.

"Be careful, the girl tried to warp my mind...unfortunately for her, we have the same power-" I stop as I turn to see I was no longer where I was previously standing.

I was in the Hydra base I was captured in. "Steve? Tony?" I whisper, my eyes were wide as I hear a door open. "Tony...please." I stand still in fear as the Winter Soldier comes into my view. "Tony..."

"Стоять на коленях." (Kneel.)

"No please....don't do this...please no!" I beg, I look down to see I was wearing shorts and a sports bra, my skin was covered in bruises.

"Стоять на коленях."

"!" I scream in horror as he holds his Metal arm back. As soon as it collided with my face, the room twists and turns and I'm now in the lab getting injected.

"Again." Strucker says. I look up as he pets my face, "My most beautiful creation.....she's all yours Soldier." He looks up.

I didn't remember this.

I was now standing aside, I looked over to see Myself being picked up by the Winter Soldier. I was a bystander. I walk over and grab a file... "James Barnes." I whisper. "Who are you? Let me see your face!" I yell as I follow him into the hall.

I watch as he sets me down in my cell, covering me with a blanket. " Please don't hurt me again James." My weak self says.

"I knew your name.....I knew it!" I say behind him. I watch as my old self reaches up and takes off his mask, "Hey!" I scream. The man turns and I see his face....his eyes were filled with sorrow but the rest of his face was full of anger.

I looks down to see guess walking through me as if I was ghost, dragging the Soldier away. I follow him to a chair....they were torturing him, electrocuting him. "Help..." The man mutters to me.

The room twists and turns again, I open my eyes to see I am on the Jet, shaking violently while Steve and Tony are kneeling beside me.

"Y/N?" Tony whispers.

"I saw his face! I know his name!" I cry and jump into Tony's arms. "I've known him all along!"

"Y/N what are you talking about?"

"James Barnes....his name." I cry. "She showed me a memory I could not remember!"

I look over at Steve, he cautiously backs away with a sad look. "That's....his friend." Tony whispers.

"You've known this entire let me show you all the things I went through. You've let me suffer this whole time?" I ask angrily, my power forming at my hands.

"Y/N I wanted to protect you."

"Fuck you Rogers....I hate you." I hiss.

"You don't mean-"

"I hate you!" I yell, making him flinch. "I had to remember through that girl Wanda!"

Tony grabs my hands, "Y/N, breathe!" Tony yells out and falls to his knees as my power hurts him.

"Tony?! Oh my god!" I look down in horror.

"I'm fine....I'm fine."

I grab Tony and take him to sit by me, I look back at Steve angrily.

I trusted him....he kept something that important from me.

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