Chapter 60 - The End

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I had recovered in the hospital fine...I still need to control my distractions.

Everything was....better. I hadn't seen Bucky in a little while...not since my first night in the hospital. But we were going to a gathering with Sam...with his friends and family.

He had told me the reason he was gone was that he was telling the truth. I think he was talking about his list.

I smile as Aj and Cass run up to us, pretending to punch Bucky and I as we carried a cake over.

I hug a lot of people, spending hours mingling with everyone.

I step over to Bucky as kids dangle from his arms. "Hey...come on dude. That's weak." I chuckle.

"What?" He smirks.

"Come here guys." I hold both my arms out, I hold up two kids on each side, soon two more join. "See."

"Oh whatever." Bucky chuckles as the kids run off, he comes over and kisses me.

This was a family....a beautiful family.

We were happy....but there was still something I needed to tell Bucky.

As the sun set, I walk over to Sam and Bucky, hugging both of them. "Alright Sam....can you leave." I smirk.

"Rude." He kisses my head and walks off.

I turn and hold onto Bucky's hands. I hold them up and softly kiss them both, mostly his metal hand. "These hands....may be scarred from murder.....But I trust them completely." I kiss his hand again. "I trust you." I kiss his cheek. "I love you." I smile.

"You light up my make me feel human again. I truly don't deserve your love." He kisses me.

"You got that all wrong. You deserve much more....if I could give you the world I would." I caress his cheek. "You went through so many horrors...forced to do many cruel things. You deserve love Bucky. I promise to give you my love forever." I wipe his tears.

"I love you." He pulls me in and kisses me softly.

It's strange that someone I once feared....was now the love of my life.

But that wasn't Bucky. This is the real Bucky.

I'm proud to love him.

I don't feel broken anymore...Karli was wrong. He has fixed me. He was the missing pieces in my heart, and now I feel strong again.


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