Chapter 57 - Boat

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Bucky gets his favor for Sam and I pull out enough money to help Sam and to help fix Sam's boat. We find Sam talking to others, Bucky lifts up a heavy machine part and sets it down, putting the favor in its place.

"Just dropping this off. You can sign for it and I'll go." Bucky nods. "I called in a favor from the Wakandans."

Suddenly a pipe goes loose, "Sam!" A woman yells. I watch as Sam goes down and tries to fix it.

"Hi." I smile at the woman.


"Hold on, hold on. You gotta go up." Bucky yells, taking the wrench and turning it.

"Why didn't you use the metal arm?" Sam asks.

"Well...I don't always think of it immediately. I'm right-handed." Bucky nods as I walk down to the two.

"So, this is the boat, huh?" I smile.

"This is it."

"It's nice. You want any help?" Bucky asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods, he turns to me and looks at my briefcase. "What's that?"

"Money. For you and your family. For the boat." I nod.

"Take that shit out of here, you know I can't accept that." Sam shakes his head.

"You will accept it. I want to help. I'm not just gonna keep this money locked away. I want to help you Sam, because I care about you." I smile.

"Holy shit..." The woman says from behind me. I figured it was Sam's sister.

I turn and give it to her, "I'm Y/N." I shake her hand.

"Sarah....We really can't accept this." She says in shock.

"Please. Take it. I want to do something good." I smile. Sarah instantly pulls me in and hugs me tight.

Then Sam does. "Thank you Y/ have no idea how much this helps us." Sam wipes his eyes.

"Are those tears?" I tease him.

"Hell no." He smiles as I kiss his cheek.

"Let's get to work boys." I pull off my jacket. I was wearing a pair of black leggings and a maroon tank top. "I can work on the engine."

"Hell no, I don't want it coming to life." Sam points.

"Fine, I'll clean up here and paint." I roll my eyes.

For the rest of the day I clean and paint, I take a break as I see Sam's nephews. I run around with the two, looking back to see Sam and Bucky admiring the sight. For a couple hours I hang with the two boys...they were really sweet.

The three of us sit down and drink a beer silently, I was lucky to have them. Suddenly Bucky stands. "Gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?" Bucky clinks his beer with ours. "Your welcome to join me Y/N." He smiles.

"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" Sam asks.

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family."

"Just stay here. Both of you.... The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don't care if you wear small T-shirts or if you have six toes or if your mom's your aunt." Sam nods.

"Okay, I get it. I mean, you know, the people are nice." Bucky chuckles.

"You just gotta do me one favor...both of you." Sam points at us. "Go on a fucking date already." He chuckles.

"I'll think about it." I smile as the three of us walk down the dock.

Sam takes us to his house, it was lovely.

After a great Dinner, Bucky and I settle down on the couches, he was across from me. I look over at him as he stares at the ceiling.

"You know...your lucky. I usually sleep naked." I turn over as I tease him.

"Your wrong." He chuckles. I chuckle as I close my eyes. "I do too."

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