Chapter 20 - Trevor

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Tony and I had made a stop to a hardware store....he built everything he needed.

Tony and I go to the location and sneak above a wall. I create a rope of power and yank back a guard to take him out as Tony moves ahead of me.

"Hey boys." I land behind two.

"Woah...who are-"

Before they could finish I blast them back.

Tony and I walk inside, I approach a guard sitting down and blast his head, knocking him out. Tony grabs his gun and we enter the next room. I stand back as Tony pushes the blanket off the bed, revealing two girls.

As a toilet flushes Tony hides behind the bed while I fly up to the tall ceiling and hide in the corner. "Well, I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes." A man laughs "Now, which one of you is Vanessa?"

"That's me."

"Ah! Nessie. Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?" The man asks.

"What the hell." I whisper.

"There's some guy over here."

And a girl up there."

"They're made by Americans, based on a Japanese recipe." The man says

Tony jumps up, "Hey!"

"Bloody hell. Bloody hell." He looks over at me as I land beside him.

"Don't move." I say.

"I'm not moving. You want something? Take it. Although the guns are all fake because those wankers wouldn't trust me with the real ones."

Tony looks confused, "What?"

"Hey, do you fancy either of the birds?"

"Heard enough. You're not him. The Mandarin, the real guy. Where? Where's the Mandarin? Where is he?" Tony asks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's here. He's here, but he's not here. He's here, but he's not here."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's complicated. Hey, it's complicated."

"It is?" Tony rolls his eyes.

"It's complicated."

"Uncomplicate it. Ladies, out. Get out of the bed. Get into the bathroom. Sit." I point, I blast at the ceiling as the door closes.

"My name is Trevor. Trevor Slattery."

"What are you? What are you, a decoy? You're a double, right?" Tony asks.

"What, you mean like an understudy? No, absolutely not." Tony points the gun at Trevor's face. "Don't hurt the face! I'm an actor."

"You got a minute to live. Fill it with words." I hiss.

"It's just a role. The Mandarin, see, it's not real."

"Then how did you get here, Trevor?" I ask, my power forms at my hands as I aim it at them.

"Um. Well, I, um, had a little problem with, um, substances. And I ended up, um, doing things, no two ways about it, in the street, that a man shouldn't do."

"Next?" Tony nods.

"Then, they approached me about the role, and they knew about the drugs."

"What did they say? They'd get you off them?" I ask.

"They said they'd give me more. They gave me things. They gave me this palace. They gave me plastic surgery. They gave me things." He then starts to snore.

"Did you just nod off? Hey." Tony kicks him.

"No, and a lovely speedboat. And the thing was, he needed someone to take credit for some accidental explosions." He mimic's an explosion.

"He? Killian?" Tony asks.


"He created you?" I ask.

"He created me."

"Custom-made terror threat." Tony says.

"Yes. Yes. His think tank thinked it up. The pathology of a serial killer. The manipulation of Western iconography. Ready for another lesson? Blah, blah, blah. No. Of course, it was my performance that brought the Mandarin to life."

"Your performance? Where people died?" I ask angrily.

"No, they didn't. Look around you. The costumes, green screen. Honestly, I wasn't on location for half this stuff. And when I was, it was movie magic, love."

"I'm sorry, but I got a best friend who's in a coma and he might not wake up. So you're gonna have to answer for that. You're still going down, pal. You under..." suddenly Tony is knocked out.

Before I could turn, I am injected with something in my neck.

I turn to see Savin, he smiles and waves. "What did you-" I then slam down on the ground, passed out,

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