Chapter 23 - Party

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(This is for my Sam Lovers)

(This is for my Sam Lovers)

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I finish my makeup and look myself in the mirror....I had never worn a dress this revealing.....I loved it.

I walked into the party with confidence, smiling as the people stared at me in shock as I walked past.

I was immediately stopped by Tony. "Turn around. Change."



"I'm 24 years old...not your child anymore. Bye!" I smile, pushing past him and getting a drink. "Hey Nat." I smirk.

"Hey gorgeous, you look amazing!" Nat smiles and hands me a drink.

"You look always." I smile.

"Any plans tonight? Finding a man?"

"Hmm idk...maybe what I'm looking for is right in front of me." I wiggle my eyebrows and walk away.

"Is that the famous Y/N Stark?" I hear a voice say beside me.

I turn to see a man is with Steve, who smiling at me, "Hey Steve." I smile.

"I'm Sam Wilson." The man holds his hand out.

"Nice to meet you Sam." I smile as I shake his hand.

"I have to look damn good." Sam says.

"You do look beautiful, Y/N." Steve's eyes linger on me.

"Thank you both look pretty good." I smile, taking a sip of my drink. "What are we up to tonight?"

"Nothing much until I saw you...I was hoping We could dance." Sam smiles.

"Well...." I turn to look behind me. "No one is dancing." I smile.

"Let's change that."

I smirk and grab his hand, "I like you Sam."

"Trust me....I like you too." He smirks. I turn back to see Steve looking upset....this confused me.

Sam grabs my waist and starts to dance with me, he was quite the charmer. I learned a lot about his life, including his time in the army. He also told me about his time in D.C. with Steve and Nat.

After awhile we both wanted more than a dance, I bite my lip and pull him closer so I could whisper in his ear. "Follow me...but wait a few minutes."

Sam nods and steps back, grabbing his beer and taking a drink as I walk away.

I make my way away from the party and to a dark empty hall, after a few moments Sam finds me and smiles. I immediately grab his jacket and pull him into me, pressing my lips onto his.

Sam pushes me to the wall and holds onto my waist tightly as he kisses me urgently. "Your crazy." He chuckles, leaning down and kissing my neck.

"I know." I bite my lip, a soft moan escaping as his hands slide up my sides. I grab a fist-full of his his shirt at his sides as he kisses onto my chest. Sam hooks my right leg around his waist as he leans into me, kissing up my neck again.

After awhile I decide to return to the party. With one final kiss, I push Sam away.

"See ya, Sammy." I wink, walking down the hall.

"Hey! Can I at least call you?"

"Sure." I smile.

Sam yells again just as I turn the corner, "Wait I don't have your number!"

I walk back into the party seeing Thor standing alone, his face lights up when he sees me. "Thor!" I hug him. "How's Jane?"

"She's doing amazing!" Thor smiles. "You look great." He smiles.

"So do you, Poptart." I high five him. "Oh I bought more...I put them behind the bar." I wink.

"Your the best!"

After making my rounds around the party, I sit at the bar and get another drink. My happy thoughts start to dwell on the previous fight....seeing Strucker again broke down those walls I built long ago.

I knew he was locked up now but....I was terrified. Could he somehow get the Winter Soldier to come after me?

There was one time I saw the Winter Soldier regretted what he was doing, when he carried my limp body back to my cell, he made sure to put me down carefully. Something he never did before. He even got me a blanket.

I still wanted him to pay...I wanted him to stop controlling my life, even though he's not here.

"Hey.." I jump and push off a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Steve.

"Oh sorry." I whisper.

"What were you thinking about?" He looks ahead.

"Nothing." I whisper.

"That wasn't nothing."

"About Strucker....about it all." I nod.

"What did he do to you...I can't stand seeing you all these years like this." He shakes his head. "I want to do something to help you but I have no idea what actually happened."

I hold my hand up, my purple power flowing between my fingers, "May I?" I trust Steve....I knew he wouldn't judge me.

Steve nods, allowing me to touch the side of his head, showing him everything. I close my eyes as I feel all the pain I've went through again....I couldn't stand it.

Steve looks over at me in shock, "Y/N-"

"You don't have to say anything...I know I'm broken." I smile, standing and walking away.

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