Chapter 19 - Talk

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We were driving back in the car....I needed to know why he was upset.

"Tony please talk to me." I whisper.

"I don't feel like it."

"What if I promised to talk to you?" I ask.

"When you went through that portal, I followed. The thought of losing you broke my heart. After hearing what you said....I was paranoid that I was gonna lose you. I started having nightmares about losing you....just thinking about New York freaks me out."

"Tony why didn't you talk to me? Or Pepper?"

"I guess we are both just stubborn." Tony smiles. "Your turn."

"I don't know where to start. I guess I'm just having a hard time admitting that I'm not okay. I was so angry at you....I was angry that you cared." I sigh. "I guess I felt like you never did before...but I know that's not had to grow up and become a mother and father to me at a young age. In my mind I feel like you hate me."

"Y/N I don't hate you....none of that was your fault. Yeah, I've made some huge mistakes and I haven't been the best father...hell I let you get taken. That's on me. I think about that every single day Y/N. But I have to admit...I've raised a beautiful, smart young woman." He smiles at me. "I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you....that's a promise."

"I'm glad we are talking."

"Me too. I understand if your mad about the therapist but sometimes it good to talk to someone." He nods.

"Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I wanted to talk to you?" I ask.

"I guess I thought you didn't want me." He stares ahead.

"That's not true at all." I nod. "I'm not okay." I whisper. I suck in a deep breath, a huge wave of relief rushing through me as I finally say it. "I'm broken."

"I will fix you."

"I'm not a machine Tony." I turn and call Harley.

"Harley, tell me what's happening. Give us a full report." I say.

"Yeah, I'm still eating that candy. Do you want me to keep eating it?"

"How much have you had?" I ask.

"Two or three bowls."

"Can you still see straight?" Tony asks.

"Sort of."

"That means you're fine. Give me Jarvis. Jarvis, how are we?" Tony asks.

"It's totally fine, sir. I seem to do quite well for a stretch, and then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry. And, sir, you were right. Once I factored in available AIM downlink facilities I was able to pinpoint the Mandarin's broadcast signal."

"What are we talking? Far East, Europe, North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Syria? Where is it?" Tony asks.

"Actually, sir, it's in Miami."

"Okay, kid, I'm gonna have to walk you through rebooting Jarvis's speech drive, but not right now. Harley, where is he really? Just look on the screen and tell me where it is." Tony says.

"Um, it does say Miami, Florida."

"Okay, first things first, I need the armour. Where are we at with it?" Tony sighs.

"Uh, it's not charging." Tony pulls over to the side of the road, starting to breath heavily.

"Actually, sir, it is charging, but the power source is questionable. It may not succeed in revitalising the Mark 42."

"What's questionable about electricity? All right? It's my suit, and I can't... I'm not gonna... I don't wanna... Oh, God, not again." Tony starts freaking out.

"Tony?" Tony gets out of the car. "Are you having another attack? I didn't even mention New York."

"Right, and then you just said it by name while denying having said it." Tony yells as I run out of the car. I kneel in front of him.

"Okay, um, uh..."

"God, what am I gonna do?" Tony whispers.

"Tony it's gonna be alright...we got this." I smile.

"Just breathe. Really, just breathe. You're a mechanic, right?" Harley asks.

"Right." Tony nods.

"Why don't you just build something?"

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