Chapter 26 - Not Alone

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I walk into a house with the rest do the team.

Clint has a family. I wasn't surprised though.

After taking a shower, I kept my suit on and sat on the roof. I needed to be alone. I was hugging my knees, watching down below as Steve and Tony were chopping wood. I could tell Tony was angry.

"Hey wanna talk?" Nat pokes her head out of the window. "Your not alone, Y/N."

"Did you know?"

"Yes..." She whispers. "You never told me that he was the one who tortured you."

"I know." I lay my head on my knees. "But Steve did."

"Barnes couldn't control it....Hydra brainwashed him."

"He still hurt me." I whisper, I turn to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah....I'm fine." She smiles. "Actually...can you come here for a moment?" She backs away.

I crawl inside and watch as she shuts the bedroom door. "What are you-" Nat cuts me off by grabbing my waist and pressing her lips on mine.

I instantly relax and place my hand on the side of her face, Nat pulls me closer, deepening our kiss.

Soon we break apart for air, I smile and slide my hand down her cheek to her waist, "I've wanted to do that since I first met you." I smirk.

"I know." She smiles.

"But I thought you and Bruce-"

"I know....I'm trying to figure it out." She steps away.

"I'll understand if you pick him." I grab her hand and pull her back to me. "Just let me do this one more time." I pull her against me and kiss her.

Nat's hands caress my body, her hand finds it way to the back of my suit, "Can I?"

I bite my lip and nod, lifting my hands up to untie her robe. I pull off my suit as I she throws off her robe. "Oh God." I fall to my knees. My hands slide down her stomach as I kiss her thighs slowly.

All our nightmares and troubles went away fro a was just us two in this moment. That's all we cared about.

I stand and grab her, picking her up and laying her on the bed. I rest between her legs, "Let me-"

"No...I want this to be about you." I smile, kissing her thighs again. Her chest starts to rise and fall rapidly as I hover a over her cunt, I slide my hands up to squeeze onto her boobs as I lick a stripe up her cunt. Nat's hands squeeze onto mine as I slowly lick onto her clit. I smile as soft moans escape her lips, "You better be quiet, or they'll catch us." I smile as I go back to her cunt.

I slowly push in a finger inside her cunt, keeping my left hand on her boob as she covers her mouth, moaning loudly into it. I slowly pump my finger back and forth as I suck onto her clit, making her legs start to shake. Nat puts her hand on my head, keeping me down on her. "Right there." She orders. I smile and add a second finger, causing her to grip onto my hair tighter. Her leg's start to shake as I move my fingers and tongue in sync, "Y/N...I'm gonna-" she covers her mouth again as she's cries out.

I smile and move my tongue slowly as she releases, I pull away from her and kiss up her chest, I kiss up her neck to her lips, smiling as she wraps her arms around me.

"I'll wait for you." I smile, kissing her again before getting up to put my suit back on.

"Dinner will be ready soon." She says as she puts her robe on, she kisses my shoulder and goes for the door.

"I already ate."

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