Chapter 18 - AIM

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Tony grabs the file and looks down at it, "That's irresponsible." I point.

"Man. Happy, Happy, Happy-" Tony mumbles, frustrated and thinks about the file. He looks back down at a paper and flips it.

"What?" I ask.

He instantly calls Rhodey, "Hello?" Rhodey asks.

"You ever have a chick straddling you and you look up and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?"

I look over disgusted.

"Yeah, I've had that. Who is this?" Rhodey asks.

"It's me, pal. Now, last time I went missing, if I remember correctly, you came looking for me. What are you doing?" Tony asks.

"A little knock-and-talk, making friends in Pakistan. What are you doing?"

"Your redesign, your big rebrand, that was AIM, right?" Tony asks  and Throws the paper at my feet.


"We're gonna find a heavy-duty comm sat right now, I need your login." Tony says.

"It's the same as it's always been, WarMachine68."

"And password, please." Tony says.

"Well, look, I gotta change it every time you hack in, Tony."

I finally catch on to what Tony's doing, "It's not the '80s, nobody says hack any more. Give us your login." I say.

"WAR MACHINE ROX with an X, all caps."

Tony and I start laughing. "That is so much better than lron Patriot."

Tony ends the call and turns back around, pulling up to a pageant. We sneak through the new reporters to a van, sneaking inside.

As Tony sets it up, I start typing. "That ain't gonna cut it." I say.

Suddenly the door opens, "We talked about this. Excuse me, sir. I don't know who..." Tony turns around.

"Shh." Tony whispers.

"Mom, I need to call you back. Something magical is happening. Tony Stark is in my van." The man freaks.

"Shh. Keep it down." I say.

"Y/N Stark is in my van!"

"No, she's not." Tony points.

"I knew you both were still alive!"'

"Come on in. Close the door." Tony whispers. The cameraman gets in the van and closes the door. "Shh.."

They shake hands, "Oh, wow. Can I just say, sir...I am your biggest fan."

"Okay. First, is this your van? Is anyone else gonna come in?" Tony asks.

"No, no, no. Just us."

"Great. What's your name?" Tony asks.


"Gary?" I ask.

"Oh, wow." He stares at me. "You are much more gorgeous in person...I have like the biggest crush on you." I stare at him weirdly, "Why did I say that?" He whispers.

"Right there is fine....Okay? We get a lot of this, it's okay." Tony smiles.

"Oh, good. Can I just say?"

"What do you want?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. I don't know if you can tell, but I have, like, patterned my whole look after you. My hair's a little..."

"It's fine." Tony nods.

"It's not right, 'cause there's no product in it."

"Wow you two are twins." I say sarcastically, Tony turns and gives me a dirty look. "It's a little weird you wanna look like him and have a crush on me." I cross my arms.

"I don't want to make things awkward for you, but I do have to show you... Boom!" He shows a tattoo.

"A Hispanic Scott Baio.....I'm sorry. Is that me?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. It's... I mean... I had them do it off a doll that I made, so it's not like it's off a picture. So it's a little bit..."

"Gary. Listen to me, okay?" Tony grabs him. "I don't want to clip your wings, here. We're both a little over-excited. We got an issue. We're chasing bad guys. We're trying to grab a little something from some hard-crypt data files. We don't have enough juice. I need you to jump on the roof... Right? Recalibrate the lSDNs. Pump it up by about 40%." Tony nods.

"Got it."

Tony nods. "All right? It's a mission."


"Tony needs Gary." Tony smiles.

"And Gary needs Tony."

"Be quiet about it. Go." I stop him. He smiles and hurries out.

I turn my attention back to the computer, a few minutes later he knocks in the side of the van. I type through the system and put in the log in, which logs in and shows AIM.

We look up to watch a video of Chad Davis, "What would you regard as the defining moment of your life?" A man asks.

"Well, uh, I think that would be the day I decided not to let my injury beat me."

I type again and another video pops up. "Will you please state your name for the camera?"

"Ellen Brandt."

"Okay. So, the injections are administered periodically." The camera turns to show a man with long blonde hair, Tony sighs and points. "Addiction will not be tolerated. And those who cannot regulate will be out from the programme." I type for another video. "Once misfits, cripples... You are the next iteration of human evolution" I then open a file that says Extremis, "Everybody, before we start... I promise you, looking back at your life, there will be nothing as bitter as the memory of that glorious risk you prudently elected to forego. Today is your glory- Let's begin." Brandt's missing arm grows back as she glows red. The other volunteers glow red & scream too. One man was way worse than the others, "We gotta get out of here! We gotta get out of here! Get her out! Get them out of here!" One of the volunteers exploads.

Tony starts talking to himself. "A bomb is not a bomb when it's a misfire. The stuff doesn't always work. Right, pal? It's faulty, but you found a buyer, didn't you? Sold it to the Mandarin. Got you, pal."

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