Chapter 8 - New Arc Reactor

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Tony had found the model form the video, "Jarvis, could you kindly Vac-U-Form a digital wire frame? I need a manipulatable projection." I say, helping Tony.

"1974 Stark Expo model scan complete, ma'am."

Tony Lifts the blue projection away from the model. "How many buildings are there."

"Am I to include the Belgium waffle stands?" Jarvis asks.

"That was rhetorical. Just show me." Tony clicks his fingers and the model begins to spin and lifts upright. "What does that look like to you Jarvis? Not unlike an atom. In which case the nucleus would be here. Highlight the unisphere. Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them."

"What is it you're trying to achieve, sir?"

"I'm discovering... Correction. I'm rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees." Tony flicks things away. "Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework. Dad." The model now resembles a nucleus and Tony expands it. "Dead for almost 18 years, and still taking me to school." Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand.

"The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium."

"Thank Dad." Tony smiles.

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to synthesise."

"Get ready for a major remodel, fellas. We're back in hardware mode." Tony nods.

Tony starts smashing walls with sledge hammers, drilling holes in the floor, fiddling with wires, putting together pipes. I just use my hands due to my super-strength.

"I heard you broke the perimeter." Coulson comes in.

"Yeah. That was, like, three years ago. Where have you been?" I ask.

"I was doing some stuff."

"Yeah, well, us too and it worked. Hey, I'm playing for the home team Coulson, you and all your Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Now, are you gonna let me work or break my balls?" Tony asks.

"What's this doing here?" Cousin pulls an object out of the box.

"That's it. Bring that to here!" I point.

"You know what this is?" Coulson asks.

"It's exactly what we need to make this work. Lift the coil. Go, go." Tony nods at me as I lift if. "Put your knees into it. There you go. And... Drop it. Drop it." The shield is now in position and the coil straight.

"Perfectly level. We're busy. What do you want?" I ask.

"Nothing. Goodbye. I've been reassigned. Director Fury wants me in New Mexico."

"Fantastic. Land of Enchantment." Tony smiles.

"So I'm told."

"Secret stuff?" I ask.

"Something like that. Good luck."

"Bye. Thanks." They shake hands, then he shakes mine.

"We need you." Coulson says.

"Yeah, more than you know."

"I was talking to her." Cousin points at me and leaves.

"Initialising prismatic accelerator." Jarvis says as Tony turns a wheel on top. "Approaching maximum power." Using a wrench as a lever, the wheel is turned, but not before cutting holes in the wall. Eventually it's concentrated on a triangle which begins to glow blue.

"That was easy." He removes the triangle using a pair of pliers.

"Congratulations sir. You have created a new element."
Tony and I high five before placing it into a new Arc Reactor. "Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core. I will begin running diagnostics."

"Next time, If your better tell me." I point at him.


Later on  Tony was sitting at his desk while I sat next to him.  "Incoming call with a blocked number sir."

"My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely. Coulson. How's the Land of Enchantment?"

"Hey, Tony, how you doing? I double cycle."

"You what?" Tony asks.

"You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice." It was Ivan.

"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy."

"You too." Ivan says.

I mute us, "Trace him." I say to Jarvis.


"Now, the true history of Stark name will be written."

"Jarvis, where is he?" I ask.

"Accessing the Oracle grid. Eastern Seaboard."

"What your father did to my family over 40 years, I will do to you in 40 minutes."

"Sounds good. Let's get together and hash it out." Tony says.

"Tri-State area. Manhattan and outlying boroughs."

"I hope you're ready to watch your sister die." The call ends.

"Call trace incomplete."

Tony looks up at me in shock. He suddenly stands and grabs the new Arc Reactor, "Sir" Jarvis says.

"You want to run some tests, run them. And assemble the suit while you're at it. Put it together now." Tony says.

"We are unclear as to the effects."

"I don't want to hear it Jarvis." He puts it in  and it gains power. "That tastes like coconut. And metal. Oh wow, yeah!" He yells.

"Let me change."

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