Chapter 3 - Rescue

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I couldn't even tell you how long I've been one has came to me in awhile. They had me practice my powers everyday...but then they stopped.

I missed the sunlight...the beach. I missed the feeling of the warm sun on my skin. The feeling of a shower....of soap.

I cover my eyes as light hits my face, I try to peak through my hands but only see the door was open. "Ow." I whisper, hugging my knees to my chest tightly.

"Y/N...oh god!"

I look up to see something was red and gold. As it's hand touches my arm, I use all my strength to use my power to blast it back.

"Y/N! It's Tony!" It yells. I crawl forward and squint to see Tony stepping out of the armor.

"Stop messing with my head! Get out of my head!" I shake, thinking this is just a hallucination. "Your not real! Don't hurt me anymore!"

"It's me...I'm real! Come on Nugget, let's go home. Your safe now." He reassures me.

None of my hallucinations called me that name. "It's's you!" I crawl into his arms. I look up at him as my eyes adjust to the light, seeing him crying.

I was too weak, thankful, and starving to be mad at him...part of me blamed him.


I start to get scared as we arrive home after spending a couple weeks in the hospital, there were hundreds of news reporters everywhere. Tony quickly pulls into the he garage, he hurries and opens my door and holds my hand. "There we go...that's it." He holds me as I slowly walk up the stairs.

Waiting for me was Pepper, she has really dark circles under her eyes and she's been crying.

"Y/N!" She hugs me tightly. "Oh my god..I'm never letting you leave from my sight!" She cries.

I stare blankly ahead as Happy wipes his tears. "Hey kiddo....we are so happy your safe."

Behind Happy was hundred of flowers and stuffed animals. Tony holds out his hand, which has keys. "Happy late 18th birthday." He smiles.

This hit a nerve, "You think all is forgiven by buying me a car?" I ask, not even realizing I'm now 18.


"You left me....they were right about you! You didn't care about me! All you care about was getting laid!" I scream through my tears, finally snapping.

"Y/N...I never realized until it was too late how my lifestyle was affecting you...I promise-"

"Don't promise me will just break it tomorrow." I hiss.

"Y/N...let's go get you cleaned up...a proper bath." Pepper says cautiously. I stare blankly as she wraps her arms around me and leads me to my room.

This was the first time I was seeing myself, Tony wouldn't let me in the hospital. I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I pull off my clothes and stare at my body, I had bruises everywhere. My face, my arms, my legs, my chest, stomach, back. Everywhere.

I even had a large scar along my side.

Pepper steps back into the bathroom and gasps when she sees me. "I know...I'm hideous." I whisper.

"No Y/N. I was only just scared to see you this hurt. Nothing about you is hideous." She stops the water to the bath and places a towel on the counter. "Come on."

The feeling of the warm water made me actual genuine smile. Something I haven't done in a year.

"I know you don't want to hear it but...he searched for you everywhere. He couldn't sleep...he was a mess."

"He seems alright." I shrug as she starts washing my hair.

"Y/N he was also captured....something....happened to him."

"Like what?"  I ask

"You'll just have to ask him."

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