Chapter 21 - Killian

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I wake up on the cold ground, I look up to see Rhodey. "Rhodey?" I groan.

"Y/N!" He kneels down.  "Are you alright?"

Tony then kneels beside me. "What happened?" I ask.

"They injected you with something that made you sleep."  Tony says.

"Where are we?"

"Look." Tony points. "That's the president."

"Oh, my God. He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up." I gasp.

"Viking funeral. Public execution." Tony says.

"Yeah, death by oil." Rhodey says.

"ls your gun up?" Rhodey asks Tony.

"Yep. What do I do?"

"Stay on my six, cover high and don't shoot me in the back." Rhodey nods.

"Six, high, back. Alright." I stay behind the two as we sneak around the corner, suddenly bullets fly near us, I duck down between them. "You see that? Nailed it."

"Yeah, you really killed the glass." Rhodey nods.

"You think I was aiming for the bulb? You can't hit a bulb at this distance." Rhodey fires a bullet and hits the bulb. "I'm out. Give me. You got extra magazines?"

"They're not universal, Tony."

"I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Give me another one." Tony nods. "Give me one of yours."

"I don't have one that fits that gun."

"You've got, like, five of them. Here's what I'm going to do. Save my spot, ready?" Tony quickly stands and kneels back down.

"What'd you see?" I ask.

"Too fast. Nothing. Here we go." He stands again, then kneels down. "Three guys, one girl, all armed."

"God, I would kill for some armour right now." Rhodey says as we stand.

"You're right. We need backup."

"Yeah, a bunch." Rhodey says.

"You know what?" Tony nods at something in the distance, whooshing.

"Is that...?"

Tony nods, "Yep."

"Are those...?" I ask.

"Yeah." Dozens of Iron Man suits fly over. "Merry Christmas. Jarvis, target Extremis heat signatures. Disable with extreme prejudice."

"Yes, sir." They all say.

"What are you waiting for? It's Christmas. Take them to church." They all start attacking

"Incoming!" Suddenly there's an explosion below.
"Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing."

"This is how you've been managing your down time, huh?" Rhodey asks.

"Everybody needs a hobby. Heartbreaker, help Red Snapper out, will you?" Tony suits up. "Nice timing."

"Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Give me a suit, okay?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, they're only coded to me." Tony says.

"What does that mean?"

"I got you covered." Tony nods and flies off as one of the suits lands down. "Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?"

"Very funny."

"Tony find Pepper, I'll take care of these fuckers." I say as I fly up.

I create a rope of power and latch it around one of the guards necks, dragging them through the air as I fly. I swing them into another guard, looking back and blasting their faces. I create a large shield to protect myself as one shoots at me, I spin forward and blast them.

I look back as I see Tony and Killian fighting, I run forward and tackle Killian. He grabs me by the neck, I yell out as it starts to burn. "You can't protect her either." He says to Tony as he lets go of me.

I smirk and fly back up to him, "Wrong. I can protect myself, asshole." I blast him back.

"You really didn't deserve her, Tony. It's a pity. I was so close to having her perfect." Killian stands and faces us.

"What is he talking about?" I ask.

Killian starts to walk forward, "Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait! Slow down! Slow down! You're right. I don't deserve her. Here's where you're wrong. She was already perfect." Tony motions to a flying suit and it flies on to Killian. "Jarvis, do me a favour and blow Mark 42."

"No!" Killian screams.

Tony runs to the edge and slides down and I fly off, the explosion hits my back, making me run into a metal beam, I land hard on the ground.

Tony and I look up to see Killian still walking towards us. "No more false faces. You said you wanted the Mandarin. You're looking right at him. It was always me, Tony. Right from the start. I am the Mandarin!" Someone hits Killian and he flies to the side. It's Pepper!

Tony shakes his head. "I got nothing.....Jarvis, subject at my 12 o'clock is not a target, disengage!" Pepper looks at Tony, "What? Oh, what, are you mad at me?" Pepper runs towards Tony, flips in the air, punches through the Iron Man suit and destroys it. She uses the suit to blow up Killian. "Honey?"

Pepper gasps, "Oh, my God. That was really violent."

"You just scared the devil out of me. I thought you were..."

"I was dead. Why? Because I fell 200 feet? Who's the hot mess now?" She asks.

"It's still debatable. Probably tipping your way a little bit. Why don't you dress like this at home? Hmm? Sport bra. The whole deal."

"Hey I'm gonna go..." I say awkwardly.

"You good?" Tony asks.

"Yup....bye." I fly up, they clearly needed to talk.

The mandarin was gone....Tony had gotten the Extremis out of Pepper. And he took out the Arc Reactor.

Things were finally looking up.

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