Chapter 2 - Torture

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While Pepper was in a meeting I decided to go take a walk....even though she told me not too.

I was bummed out that Tony was yet again gone....I just wanted to spend time with my brother.

When I turn the corner away from Stark Industries, I noticed a black van was slowly following me. I take out my pepper spray and hold it at my side, I always have to be prepared.

Soon the doors slam open, I turn to see a man with a mask covering up to his nose, I quickly spray his eyes, only to be grabbed by some sort of metal arm and punched until I black out.

I wake up in a cold chair with some sort of devices on my arms, legs, and chest. Some blue liquid was pouring into my skin.
"What the fuck...." I groan in pain, looking down to see I was in shorts and a bra.

"For a little have a filthy mouth." I look up to see a man smiling.

"Where am I?"

"Siberia." He nods.

I turn to see a familiar man with a mask covering up to his nose....he's the one who took me. "The fuck you staring at?" I hiss.

The man steps forward, clenching his metal fist, "Солдат!" The other man yells, making the man with the metal arm stop. "Y/N Stark....We've been watching you for some time....I believe you have potential to be my first official creation." The man caresses my face.

"Creation?" I ask.

"My beautiful experiment." He smiles. "You can call me Strucker. He is The Winter Soldier." He points.

I start to cry. "Please....I want to go brother-"

"You think your brother cares?" He laughs. "Where is he now? He left you alone."

(Be strong Y/N....your a Stark, so act like one!) I say in my head. "Fuck you!" I yell.

"I'll see you soon Y/N." He places a small mask over my mouth and nose, I try to break free but slowly start to fade.


I open my heavy eyes to see I was still in the same room, I shiver and look up weakly to see Strucker.

"Good morning....actually good afternoon." He looks down at his watch and stands from his desk.

"Water.......please." I whisper hoarsely.

"Of course." He goes to the sink and pours me a glass, Strucker pulls my head back and holds the glass at my lips.

"Thank you."

"The serum seems to have settled actually didn't die. I knew you would be stronger than the others." He smiles and writes in his notebook. I look around, slighting jumping as the Winter Soldier was beside me. His metal hand clasps around my throat, "Tell me....where is all your money?"

"No." I gasp for air.

"Do it ." He nods, I wince in pain as a large needle goes into my thigh.

"Stop!" I scream.

Once again another needle goes into my other thigh. "I want to know about your brother....we need the money for more materials. Give me his bank information."

" this really all about money? That's all you wanted. Pathetic." I laugh.

"No....I wanted you. You both will be perfect together when I'm finished with you." He looks up at the soldier. "More."

"No! I don't have access to my money! I'm too young!"


For months I was beaten and injected with unknown things. At this point I didn't even know why I was being's like they were doing it for fun.

Instead of staying at the lab in a chair, I was given a cold dark is where I learned that I was enhanced.

A small ball of Purple energy had formed at my hand one day, I had picked up a small rock without even touching it. I then was able to break open the cell just by punching it.

I was unstable as I ran through the halls and out onto the snowy cliff. My adrenaline was pumping as I tried to use my powers to blast an incoming guard.

Instead I grab him and lift him high in the air, yanking him down on my knee and throwing him aside. Just as I was going to run to a vehicle, something was injected into my neck.

I turn back to see the Winter Soldier pulling a needle out and tilts his head as he watches me stumble back. I try to keep my balance but everything around me started to move, I felt super dizzy.

Just as I collapse, he catches me and carries me as I black out.

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