Chapter 35 - Aftermath

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(Sorry it's a short one.)

I was standing next to Tony, watching as Rhodey was getting a CT scan. "How did this happen?" I ask Vision.

"I became distracted."

"I didn't think that was possible." Tony shakes his head.

"Neither did I." Tony leaves Vision looking in on Rhodes.

"It's not your fault." I whisper. "I was so close to him."

Vision is silent, he keeps his eyes on Rhodey.

I look over as Nat is leaving angrily, I grab her and pull her aside. "I wasn't going to tell Ross." I whisper.

"I know." She smiles and pushes my hair out of my face on my right side.

"Be safe."

"Always am." She hugs me and leaves.

"Stay with Rhodey." Tony walks past me.

"Where are you going?"

"Just stay with him please." Tony nods.

When Rhode is finished with his tests I sit next to him in his hospital room. "I'm so sorry Rhodey....I was so close-"

"Don't do that Y/N." Rhodey shakes his head. "Don't you dare blame yourself."

"But I-"

"If I was to blame anyone or anything, it would be those damn accords." Rhodey sighs.

I reach over and hold his hand, "I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna help you walk. I promise." I smile.


It's been a couple months since the fight....Tony had fought Steve and James Barnes.

James killed our parents.....Steve hid that from us.

Rhodey is back in the compound, he's growing stronger, trying to walk everyday.

I couldn't stop reading the letter Steve sent me.

Y/N. I'm happy you are in the Compound with Tony. I can't stand the thought of you being alone. Y/N I'm so sorry I've lied to you and kept secrets from you, I thought by not telling you.....would make you better. But I now know that was wrong. What I've been wanting to tell you Y/N is that I love you. I have for a long time. That's part of the reason I couldn't tell you....I just wanted to see you happy. To see you smile. I'm going to miss that beautiful smile of yours.....I hope one day you can forgive me. Until then...I'm here whenever you need me. Always.

- Forever your Captain.

I felt confused on my feelings...I knew he had Kissed Sharon but.....maybe a part of me did love Steve. I wouldn't know right now because I was too hurt still.

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