The Great Reveal

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Zoes POV

I looked at Zach, grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards his car. "What are you doing!" he said annoyed. I ignored his question and continued to pull him to that stupid Beetle. When we reached the car I pushed him to the drivers side "Get in and bring me to your house" I said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Zach looked at me like I was crazy, and I think I may have gone crazy, but I need to know. "You want me to bring a girl home, to the likes of my mother and father, are you serious!" he said exasperated.

I heard the car open with a "pip" and I got into the passenger side with no invitation, Zach fired his door open and sat down in his seat in a moody way. "I'm going to be so dead" he murmured to himself as he backed out if the parking lot and onto the main road.

"I'm not just any girl though am I Zach?" I let the question slip my mind before I had a chance to think it over. He looked at me from the corner of his eye "Zoe, I'm just as confused as you are, well, maybe even a bit more because I don't know why I'm bringing you to my house" he said in a tone which held ultimate confusion.

I didn't try to make conversation on the rest of the drive, which wasn't long. We pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story, detached house. The garden was expertly maintained and the pottery delicate.

I looked in the rear view mirror and fixed myself, leaving my hair down and wiping of the excessive eye makeup. I tied all buttons on my shirt and pulled up my tie to where it was supposed to. I tucked my shirt into my skirt and pulled down my skirt so it reached just above my knee.

"How do I look?" I asked Zach from beside him. He looked me over once "Like a perfect school nerd" he laughed and I joined in. We exited the car and that's when the nerves started to settle in.

Every step towards the front door made my heart beat a little faster, my stomach hurt a little harder and my breathing run a little jagged.

What if I'm wrong?

Is the only thought I'm my mind. We reach the door and Zach knocks three times. I absentmindedly check myself over pulling on my skirt to keep it down.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with an apron and washing gloves on. She had dark brown hair that was going slightly grey and small tiny wrinkles at the corner of her eyes. "Hello Zach, come in with your friend" she greeted with a humble and sweet voice. "Hi Mom" Zach also greeted his mother.

"Hello dear, I'm Zach's mother, June" she extended her hand to me. "I'm Zoe" I said with a smile as I shook the woman's hand. Her eyes widened slightly but she quickly recovered. She cleared her throat "Ye can go into the living room for a while, your father should be home any minute" she said not breaking eye contact with me, until I was out of sight.

I sat down on a plush white, sofa playing with my thumbs. "So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Zach whispered but I held my hand up to stop him asking questions.

June? Her name is June! I am very wrong aren't I...

I sat in silence until I heard the front door open and close and my hear nearly escaped my chest. "Hey" a deep voice echoed through the house. June went to greet her husband with a kiss.

So this is what a normal family is.

Zach's father entered the living room with June by his side and I immediately stood up. "Oh, hello young lady, what's your name?" he asked eyeing Zach from behind me

"Zoe, my name is Zoe and I was wondering of I could speak with ye both" I asked, but Zach's fathers eyes went even wider than his wife's and looked at her and then back to me.

"Take a seat at the dining table in the kitchen" he said, not looking away from me. I nodded and did as told.

They had a beautiful kitchen. I sat down at the table and folded my hands in front of me, nervously playing with my thumbs. Zach's father and June followed, June closing the door on her way in.

"What can we do for you, Zoe?" Zach's father asked in a somewhat professional tone, which made me wonder what he worked as.

"I would like to know your names, in full and where ye are originally from, and June I would like to know if you have any siblings" I said straight forwardly because my heart is pounding so fast and loud it is beginning to ache.

A look of confusion spread across both their faces as they gave each other a worried look.

"Please" I said, in hopes of making my case easier. June let out a long breath "Well we-" but she was cut off by Zach's father "I don't think this is a good idea" he warned. June shooed him of with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Well, I will tell you mine first and then Pat will. My name is Julie Mary June O'Shea, and myself and my husband are originally from Ireland and I have one sibling a sister, who I believe is dead" she explained and with this I could feel tears well up in my eyes.

I nodded and whipped my nose of my hand and sniffles, I looked at Pat for him to go.

"Yeah, my names Pat O'Shea and from Ireland, no siblings sadly" he said in a casual voice.

I took a minute to let all of this sink in and when it did tears were flowing down my face and my breath was caught in my throat and I was sobbing rather loudly.

I think I found them...

"Oh, pet, what's wrong" June said as she rose from her chair to comfort me. I sobbed into her chest for awhile before pilling away and clearing my throat.

"My n-name in full i-is Zoe Mary Paulina O'Shea" I cried, June gasped and brought her hand to her mouth and tears were at the brim of her eyes. Pats eyes were the size of saucers and his mouth was hanging open.

June took my shoulder and made me stand up, she head me at harms length with tears now streaming down her face "Its our baby Pat" she sobbed before pulling my into a tight embrace, so tight it was like she was making sure I was real. Pat was by her side rather quickly and joined the embrace "My little girl" he whispered while he was also hugging me tightly.

This is my family, my mom, my dad and my brother Zach, oh Zach!

"Zach" I mumbled against Junes chest, she gave a small laugh "Zach!" she called and we all separated from the embrace.

"Yeah...what,what's wrong what's happened?" he looked frantic as he entered the kitchen. "Zach, I would like to introduce to you, your sister, Zoe O'Shea" Pat said with a huge grin.

Zach eyed me for a moment before leaching onto me in embrace "Heya, sister" he laughed "Hello, brother" I replied back with a whisper.

If this is a dream I do not want to wake up...ever.

Sorry for not updating, I've had exams, but hey I'm back now, I would like to thank ye all and to say a lot has happened since I was away, for example someone stole my cover photo, which was an edit made by a dedicated reader of mine and further edited by me and used it as their own so, I want to say, If ye want a picture I add, just ask me
Love ye,

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now