The Funeral...

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Megans POV

Zoe hasn't come back for a while. I know I shouldn't be getting worried, but I am, normally when she doesn't come back she's normally in trouble, now I mean big trouble.

I wonder where she is, I ring her phone and its off, its more than likely friggin' dead like it always is.

I look over to Brad, Connor, April, Grace and Chloe they were all watching something on TV.

Everyone was able to move into Brads house, so that lightened his mode a tiny bit.

"Ill be back in two minutes" I said to everyone.

I left the house and walked down the path for a good fifteen minutes when an idea popped into my head.

I knocked at the door and five seconds later McVey answered the door.

"I know its very inappropriate for a student to be knocking on your door but I was just wondering have you seen Zoe" I managed to say all in one breath.

"And what makes you think she would be in my house, Ms.Anderson" he replied.

"Well, unlike everybody else, im not blind, you do know that we were all at the club the other night yeah" I reminded him.

He looked like a dear caught in headlights. But I knew he would give in.

He put his finger over his lips, telling me to be quiet and motioned me to follow him.

When we got to the sitting room I saw Zoe curled up on the couch in a peaceful sleep.

I smirked at her sleeping form. She's a teachers pet...

"I didn't want to wake her" he whispered.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was looking at her with high admiration.

Awe, its so cute.

"If you don't mind can you not wake her till morning, Id rather her not worry half the night" I asked.

He nodded still not looking away from her.

"Ill be going then and Oh." I said turning around "Mind her" I said with a stern look.

He understood what I was implying and nodded.

When I got back to the house most of the guys were asleep so I cuddled up to Brad and drifted away.


Zoes POV

I could hear the sound of running water, oh god, would it ever just shut up.

I took a pillow that was under my head and covered my face with it.

Wait, where the hell am I?

I opened my eyes, adjusting to the light and realised I was in a living room, that was not mine or Brads.

I rose from the couch and tip toed towards the kitchen.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I just saw.

There was a shirtless James, standing over the sink doing the dishes.

I leaned against the door frame admiring him for a while. Then I remembered something.

"James" I called calmly but my voice was a small bit hoarse from sleeping.

He froze and turned around very slowly and oh my god was I shocked.

I couldn't help myself but look at his muscles, they weren't super hard, but they were there, I wonder what they feel like, just thinking about it made my me blush.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now