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Zoes POV

It was now Thursday and I have piano lessons with McVey today, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

I am currently in my bedroom getting ready for school. When I heard loud banging on the door. Would she ever just give it up!

"You better be ready, god dammit, otherwise, you know whats coming, you ejit !!" she screamed from the other side.

"Im ready!" I yelled back. I threw my bag over my shoulder and opened my door to see her standing there looking like a dried up dead rat!

I passed her and received a slap across the back of the head "Don't speak to me like that" she snapped.

"Fine" I spat back descending the stairs. I got into my car and drove to school.

When I reached there, all my friends were waiting for me, I flew around the corner and parked my car in one go, personal best!

"You cant be driving like that Zo!" yelled Megan. I just laughed at her.

"Zoe! you is going to die if you drive like that" wined April.

"Ill drive whatever way I damn want to drive" I replied with fake annoyance.

"I would think otherwise Ms. O  Shea, we wouldn't want you in the hospital now would we?" I turned around to see McVey.

"No we wouldn't Sir" April replied smirking.

Whats she thinking?

He walked away and my friends started laughing.

"Ugh, ye are so immature" I said.

"Says the one" Brad retorted. "Oh and Zoe, guess what we saw yesterday" he said smirking.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"We saw you coming out of McVeys' house yesterday" he said smiling like an idiot.

"What were you doing in there now?" Megan said in a sing song manner.

"So, what?" I tried to sound like I didnt care.

But they all started laughing again.

"Im going to my locker" I said sharply and stormed away, when I reached my locker Michael was at his.

He looked over and gave me a small smile, I rose my eyebrows challenging him, he shrunk back and looked away quickly.

Im not that scary.

"Zoeeeee" I heard April call from down the hall.

"Yes, April" I replied sternly.

"C'mon you cant be mad!" she exclaimed with a big toothy grin.

"And why is that?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Because were going out tonight Zo!" Megan beamed from behind.

Oh thank god, I haven't been social is ages!!


"Class!" we all announced in unison.

The day was going on as normal, Michael stayed away from me, and April threw a broken locker door at him! It was epic, tho, I think he could have a concussion now, hah!

Lunch was just over and we had music now, when I entered the classroom it was empty, no student, or teacher.

I took my usual seat at the back but made sure to save the two seats beside me for April and Megan.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now