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Zoe's POV

I've been standing here staring at my wardrobe for, I don't even know how how long. Dress to impress. I've a lot of well dress clothes but I don't know where we are going. I looked out my window and laughed at what I saw.

James was in his room,, shirtless, on his knees, pulling clothes frantically from his wardrobe and shaking his head violently. He must have found what be was looking for because all of a sudden he stood up and from what I could see he held a suit in his hands.

He turned around and looked out the window, I ducked to the floor and crawled towards the window, I peeked over the windowsill to see he closed his curtains.

Ah, oops.

Okay, he is wearing a suit, so its that kind of fancy. I pulled out a dress that belonged to Megan, it was purple and on Megan, it would reach past her knees, but on me it would reach above my knee.  I put it back and took out a dress that belonged to me, it was black and had 3/4 sleeves, that came off the shoulder, the body was tight and reached just above my knee. I put with it, white, platformed stilettoes and a long sleeved white cardigan.

I quickly did my hair, which was curled and I put with it an up style. My makeup stayed natural.

I was running out of time so I grabbed Megan's white clutch bag. She won't mind.

Walking down the stairs I nearly slipped over the first step, but caught my balance really quick.

I went over everything again and I was missing something I just don't know what it is.

I was about to open the door to the living room but they were all talking in hushed tones. I put my ear against the door to get a better listen.

"I'm not going to tell her" I could hear April whisper loudly.

"Neither, am I, she has been through enough" said Megan.

"When did you find out" asked Emily.

"Early this week" said April.

"She doesn't need to know" said Brad in an almost whining tone.

"She will find out eventually" said Emily, not whispering.

"You tell her then, if you know her so well" said Megan angrily.

"I will" Emily replied with a shout.

Okay this is getting a little out of hand, so I opened the door and put my hands on my hips. "Who, doesn't need to know what?" I said annoyed, everyone turned to me with a shocked look on there face, but April looked more white than usual.

"How much of that did you hear?" Megan asked with her voice a bit shaky.

"Enough" I replied snappy.

There was a short silence and it wasn't awkward, for me I was expecting an explanation but for them, it must have been terrifying.

"April" I said with my eyebrows raised.

She stood up and wiped her hands off her laps. "Zoe, there is something you ought to know, but I don't want to ruin your date with The Little Shit" she said desperately.

"Tell me, now, because I'm not leaving until you do" I said sternly, sitting on the single sofa.

Megan looked at Emily and made a gesture with her hand for her to tell me.

"Zoe,  April found out something earlier this week, she was down the city hall, because you know the public library is across the road, while she was there she heard people talking" she paused and looked at April, with her eyes pleading her to continue.

"I decided to take a walk and there were two men, by the tax office talking and I heard them say your name, so I wanted to know what was going on, I hid behind a public phone and they said that they were expecting a trial soon, and that's all I know, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner" she said very fast, I rolled my eyes at her.

"Zoe we didn't know how to tell-" she started again but I put my hand up to stop her.

"I know" I said quietly "That trial is to take place in two weeks time" I finished.

"Excuse me" said Megan shocked.

"Last week, when I went to get my last few items from the house, my Aunt and Uncle said that I wasn't allowed to move out,  but I didn't listen, I just left and came back here, and then one night I wasn't sleeping as usual, so I was in the kitchen, doing what I normally do, I must have lost track if time, because I hear a letter come through the letter box, and I was shocked when it was addressed to me, it was a letter from the courts saying that I had no right moving out of home without my guardians consent, after I ignored that I got another letter saying that because I refused to go home, there would be a trial to discuss my refusal" I explained.

No one said a thing, until Emily sat back down "Why, did you not tell us?" she looked offended.

"You didn't need to know" is what I replied.

"We will be here for you Zoe, and we want to go to that trial, and I do not give a shit what you say" said Megan proudly.

I got up and we all shared a group hug. Megan held me at arms length "you look to die for me friend" she said with a wink.

"Thank you" I said.

"He better spoil you" Emily said with a knowing look. "But guys I feel like I'm missing something, but what is it" I said exasperated.

Emily scanned me over, with a look of concentration "Do you have your mothers necklace?" she whispered to me.

I nodded and pointed to my chest where it was hidden under my dress.

"I have no idea what you might be missing" said April.

Just then there was a knock on the door and there was a sudden shoot of pain at the pit of my stomach that caused me to double over.

"Awe, is Zoe nervous" Emily teased. I rose my eyebrows her and took deep breaths. "Someone get the door, I'm getting a glass of water" I said very fast, I went to the kitchen and quickly got a glass of water, when I finished I put away my glass and rested both hands on the counter top.

I closed my eyes and felt two arms wrap around my waist. I shot my eyes open and looked behind me too see James in his suit. "You ready to go?' he whispered across my neck. I nodded.

I grabbed my bag \ Megan's bag and waited at the door for James, when he was taking too long I stuck my head in the living room door and saw Brad listing of rules and April and Emily giving guidelines.

When they were finished Brad and James gave each other a hug. Wait, what!

Soon we were in James car, on our way to I don't know where. Oh,shit. I remember what I forgot, I was supposed to take my car for a drive tonight. Well I guess I will do that when I come back.

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