Back too school...

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Emily's POV

There is something not right, I have no idea what the hell it is, but they are keeping something from me, the look on April's face when she was explaining to Connor whatever was happening in the kitchen told me that much.

I am itching to know what it is, April would tell me and I am sure Zoe would have.We have been best friends for three years now and I am more than sure I know everything about her. Wait, what if I find out for myself.

"Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom" I told April and Connor but the merely just nodded in response.

I descended the stairs hearing no noise, I saw the door top the living room open ajar and was not surprised by what I saw. Okay, so that's one "secret" discovered. I saw the kitchen door but it was closed fully, I carefully twisted the door handle and pushed the door open slightly...

Zoe's POV

"Am, I think we should go to the movie room, yeah, because Connor you know Zoe isn't "feeling" too good and she is in the kitchen with "The Little Shit" and I don't think anyone wants to go there" Oh god, April saw. Why is she so noisy and god damn loud.

I could feel James pulling away and he let out a soft chuckle. "She really does not like me does she" I heard him whisper. I shook my head afraid my voice would fail me. "You, do remember that we have to go back to school tomorrow, and pretend like none of this ever happened O'Shea" James said quietly.

I pulled back completely and sat down at the coffee table again "Why did you have you have to say that" I said resting my head on my hand. "What, what did I say?" he asked confused. "Nothing" I breathed out. "Oh, come on, tell me" he tried, oh he can try but he still has to get to know me. I shook my head "I think you should go James, Ill see you at school" I said not looking up. He didn't answer me and I didn't hear him leave "Just-" I was cut of by being pinned to my chair, I couldn't move, James had both my hands behind my back and he was sitting over me with both legs on either side of my stomach "Why, are you so keen on me leaving all of a sudden" he said against my neck. I couldn't answer, but I keep having that debate with myself, it was either I couldn't answer or I didn't want to.  He pushed harder against the chair causing something deep in my stomach to hurt. I let out a small groan and I could feel James smirk against me. "Plenty more where that came from O'Shea" he whispered in my ear and when I opened my eyes he was gone.


"Zoe" I could hear "Zoe" I heard again. I pulled my pillow over my head, can they please go away.

"Oh, James, yes, yes!" Emily said very loudly. I shot up standing on the bed and had Emily by her collar in two seconds "Excuse me" I said flatly. "You talk in you sleep Zoe, nice dreams I take it" she said with a cheeky smile. "Why are you here and why are you in my room, no one is allowed in my room, especially in the mornings!" I said with clenched teeth. I could see fear pass her eyes but I needed to know "I-I was getting you up, w-we have school and I stayed here last night because I-I was watching movies wi-ith" I couldn't bear too see her like this " Its fine, just don't do it again, this is my privacy, I got the room all to myself now, Megan sleeps with Brad" I said lazily. "Now get out and let me get dressed"

Twenty minutes later I came down the stairs with my school uniform on and my hair straightened and light make-up on as usual. I grabbed my keys and left without saying anything to anyone.

I looked at my car and felt guilty that I hadn't taken her out in a long while, I will go driving tonight.

When I got to the school everybody looked at my car with shocked faces, when I was about to pull into my usual parking space there was a red Beetle car in my way, oh this is not my morning.

I opened my door and stepped out "How many of you know that this is my spot?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

Many hands went up in the air.

"Now, how many of you know who owns this piece of shit?" I asked with my voice slightly louder. Only one hand went up and they stepped forward.

"I can move it if you want" said a boy with brown hair and blue eyes.

Ten minutes later everything was sorted and as he was walking away he called back "The name is Zach by the way" and he was gone, blended in with the crowd.

"This is why we should give her tea in the mornings and let her wake up herself" I heard Megan say behind me. When I turned around they were all looking at me with amused faces. "Let's get this over with" I said already tired, and it's only been half an hour.

A\N~ Thank you for all the views and new followers, who's your favourite character and why, leave answers in the comments,

Love you all

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now