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Zoe's POV

It was time for music and my heart was racing out of control. "Zoe, you okay, you look very pale" Emily said beside me. I nodded. I entered the class room and luckily he wasn't here yet, I took my usual seat at the back of the classroom and tried to calm my breathing down.

In and out Zoe, In and out, In and out...

I kept that chant going for as long as I could, and it was working until the doors opened and he walked in with a white button down shirt, black suit pants and oh my god, are they black convers!

I have no idea why I am so nervous this time round.

Because it's the first time you've seen him in school since the funeral idiot!

Who do you think you're talking to?
You, dimbat, and you know what he looks like underneath that shirt.

I do and it ain't bad either.
You'd know what the rest looked like also if Emily hadn't woken you up.
Leave her alone.
No you leave...

Oh my god I am talking to myself.

I looked up at James again and he was looking right at me with a stern look in his eye "I said, Zoe O'Shea" he said unamused.

"Here" I said strongly like usual. He thinks he holds so much power over me and if I am being honest he does, just thinking back to what happened yesterday in the kitchen makes me shiver, but I couldn't shake off the feeling I was being watched.

Everyone was busy working on person scores and as I looked up to see James he was also looking at me, but not in the way he usually does, he's eyes were dark and out of focus.

What are you thinking about Mr. James McVey?

I raised my hand and he came out of his trance slowly "What" he said bitterly. "I've no sheet" I said back with an attitude. He grabbed one off of his desk and waved it in the air for me to get it, I pushed my chair back hard making it drag along the floor , I walked up to his desk and a few boys were whistling. I grabbed my sheet ushering a sarcastic "thank you" and returned to my seat.


School was over and Emily and I are in my car on the way to Brads house "Slow the fuck down" Emily said loudly.

I laughed at her "That's what she said" giving her a sly smirk. She slapped me playfully on the arm and we finally arrived at the house, Emily fell out of the car and landed on her hands and knees "I don't even have my will written Zoe" she whined.

"You'll be grand" I said lazily and made my way inside, I'm used to the way people react to my driving now, and this was Emily's first time.

We were all in the living room, messing around when we heard the letter box open and close "I'll get it" Megan said eagerly.

She came back in with a goofy smile on her face "Its for you Zoe" she said walking towards me. "Your lucky it was me that got it" she said only loud enough for me to hear when she reached me.

It was a folded piece of paper, and when I opened it I identified the writing, I'd know it from anywhere.

Nice show in class, if your up for it, I'd like to take you somewhere, tonight at seven thirty, dress to impress.
The Little Shit.

"Well, looks like I'm going on a date" I muttered to myself.

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