Revealing The Truth...

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Zoes POV

I had to make up my mind, I quickly looked at Megan and she was being comforted by all our friends, Michael had no one right now, so I ran after him.

When I caught up to him, he was muttering profanities to himself. "Are you alright?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked "Um, yeah, don't get me wrong I'm grateful that you followed me, but I have to ask, why didn't you stay with Megan and them?" He asked.

"I figured she had enough friends around her, you were all alone" I said sheepishly.

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek, this caused me to smile up at him. He took my hand in his and leaded me towards a bench on the school premises.

When we said down he suddenly said "So, tell me, Miss O'Shea, all about you" I was a bit shocked. "Ah, um, okay" I said turning to face him on the bench and curled my legs (I made sure to mind my skirt :')

"Well, I'm seventeen, I moved here when I was ten with my Aunt and Uncle,  I'm originally from Ireland" I started

"Wow, wait don't people from Ireland have red hair and have a funny kind of accent?" he asked bewildered. I playfully slapped him in the arm and pointed to myself.

"Clearly not if I'm not like that" I said

"But Zoe, you have a funny kind of accent 'cause its torn between an Irish one and an American one, I like it though, its cute" he said and winked at me, and before I knew what was happening he was leaning in, oh  shit what the hell do I do now.

No, he wont kiss you, you've only known him a bloody day, so he wouldn't, then why's he leaning in, what do I do, I cant back away 'cause he'll think i'm being rude...

My internal rant was cut short by his lips on mine, I quickly responded and put my arms around his neck, he put his hands on my waist and...

"Mr.Roberts and Ms.O'Shea what have I told you about Public Display of Affection, if I have to tell you one more time, it will be a detention for both of you" I jumped away from Michael and looked at a very frustrated Mr.McVey.

"Sorry, Sir" Michael and I said in unison."Im warning ye, don't let it happen again"

Why the hell is he so angry there's at least ten couples a day doing PDA in the hallways and he doesn't do anything about it.

He was walking back to the school and I looked at my watch, yes, school is finished.

"I think Megan should apologise  to you for hitting you, c'mon we go to Brads house" I said. He looked a bit panicked.

"Ah, no I don't think that's the best idea" he said. Awe, he's nervous. "Come on it wont be that bad" I reassured him.

He nodded with a defeated look on his face. We got into my car and drove to Brads house in records breaking time, I love my car.

"What the hell, you call that driving" Michael said to me when we were walking to the front door. Ugh, why does everyone react that way when they ride with me, honestly.

While waiting for Brad to answer the door I saw McVey going into his house, we made eye contact and glared at each other. 

My glare was interrupted bye Brad answering the door. "Hi, Brad is Meg there?" I asked "Yeah she is go on into her there" said Brad kindly. Just as I was about to entre the house Brad noticed Michael.

"What is he doing in my house?" Brad asked furiously. "Don't worry Brad, he's here to make peace" I said calmly. Brad nodded reluctantly.

When we got to the sitting room, Megan, Grace, Chloe, April and Connor were all watching TV. "Hey guys" I said.

They all looked up for a second and said 'hi'. They must have realised that Michael was here too, because Megan stood up, pointing at him "Him, why is he here" Megan asked trying to remain calm.

"Megan its okay were only here because we want you to apologise to Michael for hitting him" I stated calmly.

"ME apologise to HIM, oh no I don't think so" Megan said chuckling slightly.

"Why not Meg, can you not just say your sorry" I tried to persuade.

"Zoe you have no idea who this little piece of shit is, so don't even try waste your breath!!" Megan screamed at me.

She's being so immature, ugh

"Why cant you just admit you were wrong!!" I yelled back.

Megans face was red with anger at this stage.

"Why should I apologise to the fella that got my best friend drunk, fucked her, and LEFT HER THE NEXT MORNING!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. 

Wait, what did I hear right??

"what?" I breathed out. Megan covered her mouth with her hand, wide eyed.

Everyone in the room was silent and I looked over to April, who was tearing up. I ran to her and gave her a hug.

"April, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, can you please forgive me?" I asked sobbing slightly. She nodded against my shoulder.

I turned around to face Michael, pointed to the door and said "Get out" calmly. He was about to say something when I smacked him across the face and roared "Get the hell out!!" He nodded and left the house.

I let out a breath I never knew I was holding and finally faced Megan. "Im so sorry" I said ashamed. "Zoe, how could you have known" she said to me laughing and she embraced me into a hug that became a big, group hug.

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