Pre-Funeral Blues...

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Dedicated to Stereokicks_ireland for pestering me ;)

Megans POV

It was the day before the funeral and things were not good at all.

Brad has been trying to help Chloe the best he can, he had managed to stay strong all this time but Chloe has been a mess.

Zoe has been pacing the hall for the past fifteen minutes, little did she know I was sitting on the top step watching her.

"Stupid Aunt, stupid uncle, stupid McVey, stupid cars, stupid death, stupid life" I can hear her mumble to herself.

I feel really bad for everyone, but I cant console them all. They need to find there own way through this situation.

I cant pick up pieces that have yet to fall.

"Zoe" I said quietly.

She stopped pacing but didn't look back at me.

"How long have you been there?" she asked

"Um, long enough I guess" I replied.

I could hear her let out a frustrated sigh. She grabbed her keys of the table in the hall and I knew what she was thinking.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and sat in front of the door.

"Get out, of my way" Zoe said trying to remain calm.

"Zoe, the way you drive is dangerous enough, never mind when your this upset, just have a... a cup of tea it might help just please don't get in your car right now, Please!" I practically begged her, tears were in my eyes at the thought of her in an accident.

A mixture of emotions passed her eyes, I'm good at seeing right through people, but lately I can't be sure with Zoe.

"Sorry Meg, Im going to go up for a nap or something" she said looking drained.

"Okay Zo', do you need a hand?" I suggested.

She shook her head and ran up the stairs.

I've got to find out whats up with her Aunt and Uncle.

I walked into the kitchen to see Brad holding Chloe who had no more tears left to shed, Brad on the other hand looked like he was going to explode.

"Are ye okay?" I tried to help.

Brad took one look at me and collapsed to the floor in a sobbing heap, his shoulders were shaking and he left out a small cry.

I kneeled beside him and put my hand on his knee.

"Everything will be alright in the end hun" I said comfortingly.

He nodded and looked at me in the eyes.

"I love you so much Meg" he whispered through sobs.

"I love you more" I gave a small smile.

He stood up and recomposed himself. Chloe had gone by now to where, I don't know.

"M-meg I've been thinking, do you know the way the house is all mine now and it is only ten minutes from school?" he stated.

I nodded with a look of confusion.

"I was going to ask you, Connor, April, Grace, and Zoe to move in with me, you know, too keep me company, and McVey is practically just next door for Zo' " said Brad with a small smirk, but it looked sad and his eyes were empty.

"Brad I would love too and I can guarantee you'll have Connor and Zoe anyways" I tried to lighten the mood.

"You can guarantee me and Connor what exactly?" asked Zoe from the door way of the kitchen.

She was in her pyjamas, she looked like death. No offence Zo'

"I was wondering if you would like to live here, considering the house is mine and Ill be all alone" Brad explained.

Zoes face lit up slightly "Like, you mean, live here, with you, and never have to spend time with my Aunt and Uncle again?" she asked quickly.

Brad nodded.

Zoe ran and hugged Brad saying "Thank you" repeatedly.

When she left the kitchen I turned to Brad and couped his face in my hands.

"Your being so strong hun, Im very proud of you" I said genuinely.

He leaned in and kissed me lightly.

"Thank you" he whispered.

I hugged him. Hoping that he can pull through tomorrow.


Zoe's POV

After receiving the news that I was going to be living with Brad my mood lightened slightly.

I wanted some fresh air so I gave Meg the keys to my car after an hour of debating.

I was still upset about a number of things.

My Aunt had literally told me that I was a disgrace to my mother and father and my uncle had called me a slut.

Brads parents passing away was a major shock, the reason I was so upset was that, when my Aunt and Uncle would kick me out or really hurt me to the point where I couldn't tend to myself, I used to go to Brads house. His mother is the only one I've ever told about my home life and now she's gone.

James had kissed me in the club and I cant seem to stop thinking about him, and I keep having to remind myself that he is my god damn teacher.

Just as I was passing his house I got a weird urge to call in.

You cant just show up unexpectedly.

Who cares he likes you anyway.

If anyone finds out hell be arrested.

My internal rang was cut short as I found myself on his doorstep.

Oh, f#@k it!

Knock, knock, knock!!

"Ah, Hi Ms. O'Shea, come in, come in" said James motioning for me to enter.

He was wearing a white button down shirt and black skinny jeans.

"How can I help you?" he asked all formally.

"Its only me James, no need for formalities" I reminded him.

"So, is everything okay?" she asked a bit less formal.

"Yeah" I lied.

"No you're not, because you and your friends have been out of school for two days now, everyone has noticed by the way, even the snobs notice" James stated.

"No really everything's okay" I lied again.

He rose his eyebrows at me.

I could feel the tears at the back of my eyes again and one escaped and then they were all on display.

I could feel him shift closer too me and wrap an arm around my shoulder, I leaned in and cried into his chest.

"Shh, shh, its okay" he whispered in my ear.

"No, no its not, my Aunt and Uncle hates me, and my best friends parents died, his mother was the only one I ever told about my problems and now she's dead, there's things I'm confused about and I don't know what I'm going to do" I mumbled.

"Why is you Aunt and Uncle so bad?" he asked.

"Ill tell you soon" I reassured him.

"Okay" he whispered.

I made myself more comfortable and James started tracing shapes on my back.

I began to feel tired and was about to get up when my eyes began to close.

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