Our little world...

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Brads POV

We all went inside my house, my parents are gone out for a while. Zoe and Megan were laughing like nothing I've ever seen before but I cant help but stare a Meg while she laughs with Zoe  her smile is beautiful, oh no I think im going soft, ugh well I dont care.

I went to the kitchen and put on a bag of microwave popcorn, I was just standing there watching the bag turn round and round, until I felt two arms snake around my stomach I turned around to see Megan smiling.

"What you doing?" She asked me "I was just getting food otherwise Grace would eat Zoe and Connor wont be quiet" this made Megan giggle.

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and whispered "Do you want some Malteasers in our bowl, no one will suspect a thing?" I said, she also giggled at this and nodded her head yes.

She kissed my nose and went to the sitting room. When I had all the food handed out I sat down and pressed play on 'Pitch Perfect' because its Megans favourite.

Megan was at the far end of the couch, no, no, that's not good, so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards me so she was lying on my chest, she was smiling and so was I.

I could hear Zoe having a coughing fit so Meg and I turned to look at her and when she did she put her hand on her heart and mouthed 'Cuties' ha...okay then and we spent the rest of the night doing this.

And I couldn't be happier.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now