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Zoe's POV

I told James that I would tell him about the phone call I got later but it didn't arise in our conversation again. I am now in my bedroom.

I keep thinking about how ironic all this is. This is crazy. James knows my Aunt, and has a positive attitude towards her. I keep asking myself is this the same Aunt I'm going up against in court. Its all very confusing at the moment.

Apart from that bombshell, I had an amazing night, James said that he would have to bring us both home as we had school tomorrow.

Who brings someone on a date on a school night?

I eventually fell into a broken sleep as usual.


"Tristan, be quiet" I was woken by Grace whispering loudly outside my door. I got out of bed and opened my door quickly.

Tristan was in the middle of getting dressed as Grace was wearing a long T-shirt that I can assure you, didn't originally belong to her.

"Morning" I let the word drag, with a smirk letting them know, I know what they were up too. "Oh, Zoe, good morning, I-I was just, ah-" Grace was struggling for an explanation, but I didn't want one. I put my hand up and shook my head to stop her "as long as you used protection I don't give a shit" I said and went back to bed. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and the front door open and close.

I looked at my phone and saw it was time to get up for school, I let out a frustrated sigh and got dressed. I went down stairs and everyone was in the kitchen eating their breakfast, I never have breakfast so I grabbed a bottle of water.

"I'm going to go a small bit  early, I have homework to do that I had no time to do yesterday" I said to my friends. They quickly said goodbye as I made my way to the door.

I drove to school and was about to park when I saw my spot being occupied again, by the same red beetle. What was his name again, Zach yeah that was it, his car.

I parked my car in a different spot and spotted Zach getting out of his car. I quickly got my bag and got out of mine.

"Oi, Zach" I shouted to him, he looked back at me and his face seemed to pale. "I'm sorry I forgot" he said instantly. I rolled my eyes at him  "Do you need me to paint my name on the spot or something" I asked sarcastically. He shook his head "Its only a spot in a stupid parking lot" he said annoyed.

I put my hands on my hips "its not just a spot, I've been parking there ever since I could drive and that is closer to the exit, its my spot" I explained to Stupid. "Well hunny, it looks like your going to have to share from now on" he said with a smirk.  "I don't have to share with anyone okay, its my god damn spot and you will park else where from now on, understand" I said very annoyed. "I can do what I want Zoe!" he roared at me. I grabbed his collar and was inches from his face "you will leave my spot vacant for my car, mine is much better than yours anyway" I said through clenched teeth. 

"My car is a classic" he said proudly. I scoffed "oh please, the only thing your car needs is a freaking tow truck and a scrap yard!" I shouted at him. His face was red with anger and he was about to say something until we were being separated by a pair of arms.

"Would ye cop the fuck on" said Emily impatiently. She looked between me and Zach, when she looked at Zach her eyes widened and her cheeks went a light shade of pink.

Oh, come on!

"Hey, my name is Zach" he said and extended his hand. Emily took it saying "Emily" not breaking eye contact. I looked behind me to see Connor about to say something, but I put my hand up to stop him and walked towards my group.

"Connor, don't talk, you lower the IQ of the whole street" I said annoyed, his eyes widened and his mouth was hanging open.  April had a familiar look to her but I had no idea why "what's up?" I asked her, she seemed to come out of some trance and looked at me and looked back to Zach, she kept doing this with no explanation, it was annoying.

"What!" I shouted at her, she looked at me and pulled me away.

"You and Zach look very alike Zo" she said. I gave her a confused look. What's she getting at. "No we don't" I said.

"Ye have the same eyes Zoe, its impeccable, anyone who doesn't see that is a complete fool" she said exasperated. "We look nothing alike" I said again but a little less confident. "You're an idiot" she said while smiling at me, "excuse me!" I said offended.

"Look, just do me a favour, ask him what his parents names are?" it was a reasonable offer but I didn't want to do it, what if I find something out that I don't need to know, I just nodded, unable to fight my own curiosity.

I looked behind me and noticed how Zach did have the same eyes as me and how he ran his hands through his hair when he's nervous like I did. I will ask him when Emily and him stop talking.

"Well, hello Ms.O'Shea" said James from behind me, I was about to hug him when I though better of it. "Hello, Sir" I said feeling strange with the formalities. He nodded towards me car "why is it there" he asked. I laughed and shook my head "If I was you, I wouldn't ask" I said. He nodded looking at the beetle parked in my spot.

I saw Emily leave Zach, not without a phone number, I rolled my eyes at her. "Zach!" I called after him for the second time today, James gave me a funny look. "I'll talk to you later" I said, while I ran after Zach.

"What?" he whined, "I need to ask you something" I said trying to get him to make eye contact with me, when he did his eyes went wide and he's mouth was moving with no words coming out. He nodded his head. "Do you live with your parents?" I asked, but before he could answer we heard the warning bell coming from the main building.

"We will talk later" he said and ran up the steps to the main building. My friends and I ran towards the lockers and were just in time for our first class.

By the time music came around, James was being very strange, he wouldn't look at me and he wouldn't pick me to answer any questions.

I stayed behind after class to find out what was up. "Yes, Ms.O'Shea?" he asked formally.

"James, what's wrong?" I asked getting very annoyed. He looked at me and raised he's eye brows "you ditched me this morning for that Zach one" he said with venom in his voice.

Oh my god he was jealous!

"James, I need to figure some things out, and its not what you think" I explained to him. He gave me a confused look "what do you mean its not what I think" he said. "Can I talk to you later?" I asked him, he nodded at me. I looked to see no one was around before giving James a kiss on the cheek.

I left and went to lunch and before I knew it the end of the day bell rang out. I found myself looking for Zach because I couldn't concentrate all day with what April said to me this morning.

I went to the parking lot and caught sight of him heading towards his stupid red beetle. I ran after him and caught his arm, he looked at me in the eye and took a deep breath.

"Yes, I do live with my parents"

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