A new adventure

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Zoe's POV

After a lot of crying and emotional displays, we are all sitting down in the living room, they say they want to ask me lots of questions but I have my own I want to ask first.

I looked over towards June "Do you know who I live with?" I asked. She nods. "My aunt, your sister, do you know what I've had to put up with?" I asked again, but of course she didn't so I continued. "My life has been a misery! Derek is a horrible man and Lucy is a cruel woman!" I said slightly above the normal volume.

"Zoe, I had no idea she would be like that with you" Jane pleaded.

"Why was I given away, why couldn't I stay with ye, I don't understand, ye left me with my aunt and uncle, I didn't even know if ye were alive!" I continued, my eyes filling up with tears again as I looked at the parents I believed to be dead for years and the parents who willingly gave me up as a child. I glanced at June again, and saw so was she.

"Its complicated" she said softly, I scoffed at her. "I don't want to know today, but I'm just happy to have ye now" I let the subject go, bit it doesn't mean I have forgotten about it.

How could you forget about it, you've been thinking about it for seventeen years!

Pat nods and smiles "So, you go to the same school as Zach?" he asked the obvious. I nodded. "How did ye met?" June and Pat asked in unison. Zach and I shared an amused glance before bursting in laughter. When we calmed down we told them all about how 'Stupid' parked in my spot at school and they were truly amused by our story.

I then went on to explain how April pointed out how Zach and I had a slight resemblance and that'd how I ended up here.

"We need to meet this April girl one day so we can thank her" Pat said smiling brightly. June hummed in agreement and rested her head on her husbands shoulder. I smiled at them.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and realised I had received a text message from James

Hey, where are you its late?
I hope your somewhere safe and that boy hasn't got you into some sort of trouble. x

I then checked the time to see it was 7:15, oh crap!

I stood up from my sitting position on the ground "I'm sorry, its really late and I must be getting home, they will start to worry" I said in a rushed tone. June stood up "I could drop you off at my sisters, I could always tell her I want you back" she offered .

I shook my head and looked at the floor "I don't live with them" I mumbled. "Sorry, I didn't hear that" June said. I looked up and looked into her eyes "I don't live with them, I moved out a few months ago" I said loud enough for her to hear. She gasped and covered her mouth "Your homeless" she whispered distraught.

I shook my head and laughed slightly. "No, I live with my friend Brad and his girlfriend Megan, the house was left to him after his parents passed away and he wanted all of us to move in, and I wasn't going to say no if it meant getting away from Lucy" I laughed. Pat didn't look happy about my decision "You're nearly an adult and we cannot tell you what to do and what not to do" he smiled at me. I was slightly shocked by that response. I nodded my head.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now