The Bad Bad News...

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Zoes POV

I spent the night at Brads and so did Meg, Grace, Chloe, April and Connor.

When I woke up I was curled up in someone's arms I was expecting it was Grace so I didn't bother looking I just made myself more comfortable, I looked at my watch, I could sleep in for another few minutes since no one was awake.

I heard people moving around and the sound of people whispering, ugh why are they up so early, im going to strangle whoever it is, but im too lazy so I just buried my head into my cuddler who I though was Grace but oh boy was I wrong when I looked up I was the smirking face of Connor.

"Good morning sweetheart how are you?" I asked sweetly while glaring at Connor. "Um, Zoe I wouldn't start right now becau-" he was pointing behind me.

"No one here can tell me what I can or cant do" I was cranky and tired and wanted more sleep. "Oh really, now Ms.O'Shea, I think I can" I turned around very slowly and was wide awake to see the most annoying arrogant teacher standing in front of me.

"MEGAN ANDERSON!!" I shouted for her, Megs face was half noticeable behind the door she was nervous hmm...she should be.

"Can I have a word with you privately in the kitchen?" I asked trying to calm down. She just nodded her head yes.

When we were in the kitchen I began "Can you please tell me why my music teacher is standing in the sitting room, while I was sleeping?"

Megan began to answer "Um, well, you see-" but I continued "and no one though to wake me up?"

Megan began to answer again, I was just about to interrupt again when she slapped me across the face. What?. Oh. "Sorry"

Megan let out a frustrated sigh "Um, well, um...he came here not knowing it was Brads house and um..."

She was struggling, this must be bad news "he's kinda, sorta Brads new neighbour, he lives next door" and there we have it. The most annoying, arrogant man is moving in next to the house I spend all my time in, Oh What Flippin' Great News To Wake Up Too...

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