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Zoes POV

"Do you want me to have a look at your schedule" I asked Michael. He smiled at me and nodded. I cant believe it, he had nearly the same schedule except he didn't have art and religion.

I looked at my watch "Its almost time for History" I said to everyone, the girls winked at me "Why don't you show Michael his way, we know the way?" Megan said.

"Um, okay, see ye there" I said and waved as we walked up the hall. "So where did you come from?" I asked Michael. He smirked at me and simply said "The womb". I playfully hit his arm and chuckled at him.

He started to laugh along with me and just as we were about to reach the History classroom, Michael suddenly tripped over his own feat and tried to catch onto me for help but ended up dragging me down with him.

I was over him in the most uncomfortable way, I had to fix my skirt, and my shirt, ugh, when I was about to get up, I heard a familiar voice say

"You do know that PDA among student is not allowed in the school

premises" said Mr.McVey. I suddenly jumped up and glared at Mr.McVey "Maybe you should know the situation before making accusations Sir" I said firmly.

"Why so you could come up with a petty excuse, I don't think so Ms.O'Shea, and Mr-" he trailed off looking at Michael "Roberts" I said.

"Well Mr.Roberts I highly recommend that you get off the floor unless you intend on staying there" Mr.McVey smirked. The ejet ugh, I hate him.

I held out my hand to help Michael and he took it "Thank you Zoe" he smiled at me. "Your Welcome Michael' I replied smiling.

I saw Michael look behind me, I turned around to see Mr.McVey standing on the spot looking what...jealous! No Zoe your imagination is getting to you he clearly looks angry. Ugh, what now!

"Can we help you, Sir" I asked slightly sarcastically. "Goodbye students" He said and turned around and walked down the hall.

I turned to Michael who had a confused look on his face, I just shrugged my shoulders, chuckled and pushed Michael into History.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now