The Bad Suprise...

348 13 7

Brads POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding head ache, Grace actually wasn't here at the moment because she met some guy Tristan Evans last night and they seemed to hit things off.

I adjusted the way I was sitting on the couch and looked beside me too see Megan sleeping peacefully, she was still in her dress from last night.

Last night was probably the best night of my life.

Everyone was still asleep in the house and I heard a knock on the door.

I got up off the couch trying not to wake anyone and thankfully succeeded.

Who would be here at this hour school doesn't start for another two hours.

I opened the door too see a man in a black suit.

"Um, Good morning, can I help you?" I asked politely but confused.

"May I come in Mr.Simpson, I would like to speak to Ms.Simpson too" the man stated formally.

I felt like my heart just dropped to the pit of my stomach, this cant be good.

I motioned for the man to come in and I directed him too the kitchen.

"Ill just get her" I said.

I went up to the room she would be staying in and at this point my heart was racing out of control.

I stood beside Chloe and shook her shoulder "Chloe" I whispered loudly.

"F#@k off Brad" she mumbled in her sleep.

"Its important, get up" I said louder that before.

"No Brad go away" she snapped at me.

I grabbed the side of her duvet and pulled it up causing her too fall on the floor.

"What the hell!" she shouted in a whisper.

"There's a man down stairs in a suit that wants to talk to us" I explained. She rose her eyes brows and her jaw dropped.

"Whats wrong?" she asked.

"I don't know Chlo' come on" I said and we entered the kitchen and sat down around the table.

"Now that I have you both I would like to announce a very unfortunate event that has taken place yesterday between the hours of 5:00 and 6:00" he started with his hand folded on the table.

"Mr and Mrs. Simpson were involved in a three way car  collision" I think im going to be sick.

I looked beside me and saw Chloe tearing up, I put an arm around her shoulder supporting her.

"I'm very sorry to tell you tha-" he began but Chloe stood up.

"You will not tell me that my parents are dead because I refuse to believe it!" she wailed, there was now tears streaming down her face.

"Im sorry Ms.Simpson but Im afraid so" he said sympathetically.

"STOP LYING TO ME!" she screamed and then collapsed to her knees on the floor.

I could feel tears beginning to fall and I just let them.

They were gone, the two people who brought Chloe and I into this world are dead. I love them with every fibre I have and...and now ill never get the warm embrace of my mother or the pat on the back of my father. Ill never see the proud look on there face when I do a good job. I've missed them so much the passed week and they were always away on business. I would do anything for one more day to tell them I loved them or to say that Ill try my best to protect Chloe. I dont know what im going to do.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now