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Zoes POV

The rest of the day went buy pretty smoothly. Although, I was a little distracted about my new piano lessons with Mr.McVey, sure his nice and very professional but ugh how could someone concentrate with him. Yup I'm going to fail my piano examinations.

It was now 3:10 and I have a free class. Ill go to the practice room it feels like i haven't played in ages.

I opened the door to reveal what is like my sanctuary, the piano was places in the centre of the small stage. I put my bag down by the door and sat on the stool.

I smile to myself as my fingers brushed over the keys. I begin to play a piece that I learned to play by ear 'Linkin Park- Numb' it was hard, but I got there.

I was so into the piece that I didn't hear the door open and close. Until I heard someone cough behind me, I spun around on my chair to see Mr.McVey standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I must say, I've never heard that song being played on the piano before. Well maybe that's because its not meant to be but it was...interesting" he said while smirking.

I was shocked to say the least. "Well I didn't ask you to come in here and criticise my practice, did I Sir?" I said as politely as possible.

His eyebrows rose in shock but he tried to cover it with amusement "Well it seams we have a lot of work to do, not just with your playing techniques but also your attitude Ms.O'Shea" he stated firmly

"Okay Sir, no bother now can I leave, because in case you haven't noticed school finished five minutes ago" I said challenging him.

"Ms. O'Shea do you want to receive your very first detention, on your very first day" he responded smirking.

DETENTION...oh, no, I've never gotten one in my whole life, ugh how can he stoop so low he obviously knows about my perfect record. Ill slap that stupid smirk off his face if he ain't careful.

"Im sorry Sir, now i really must be going" I said smiling as sweetly as I could.

"Your lucky Ms.O'Shea, now go on before I change my mind" he said looking very annoyed. This made me happy.

While I had the chance I walked to the parking lot where my friends were. "Where the hell have you been?" Connor asked "Well, I was in the practice room and lost track of time and I nearly got my first detention off Mr.McVey" I answered Connor, he looked amused but then something hit him "Wait you were in the practice room with Mr.McVey alone" he snapped at me. "Um, yeah, I suppose" I said nervously. "Fine" was all he said.

That's weird, like really really weird he's never snapped at me before.

"Hey, hey everybody anyone want to come to my house" Brad announced and of course nobody refused. So we all drove to Brads house.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now