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Zoe's POV

Did I just say that out loud? By the look on James face, I think I did. His eyes are wide and his mouth is open slightly. He is staring at me, but I won't meet his eyes.

"Well, that certainly is interesting" he broke the awkward silence. I just nodded not wanting to talk about it. "How is she, now a days?" he asked with a happy look to him. I rolled my eyes, does no one know her like I do. "Don't know" I said, because I actually didn't. I haven't lived with her in about two months, never the less see her.

He gave me a curious look "Why did you move here?" he asked me. "I don't know, my Aunt and her husband took me here when I was ten" I said lazily.

James choked on his drink and looked at me like I grew an extra head. He started laughing "good one" he said. Now I was confused "what?" I asked.

He got up from the couch and walked towards the small kitchen with the plates on the table. "Lucy isn't married" he said whilst chuckling to himself. "Yeah she is" I said as if he were stupid.

I heard plates fall into a sink and James came back into the small living room, this time without his waistcoat. He looked extremely good like that.

"No she's not" he argued back.

"Yes she is, trust me I lived with both of them you know and they don't have Mr. and Mrs. towels for no reason, and they don't get anniversary cards for no reason either" I explained.

He looked very confused "she always told me shed never marry" he looked upset. "Sometimes you think you know someone and then they surprise you" I said trying to bid the venom in my voice.

"Does she still volunteer" he asked. "Volunteer where?" I asked. "At animal shelters, she always loved that" he said happily.

My Aunt volunteer at an animal shelter? That is the oddest thing I've ever heard in my life, she is a cruel woman, who doesn't care for anything .

"No, she doesn't" is all I replied afraid to tell him the truth. He looked shocked "She has changed then, well I suppose she has no time, and she left so quickly no one knew where she moved to, she's a family woman now, with priorities" he said adoringly. I could feel myself getting angry, here I thought I could escape from my Aunt but no if course I can't because she's always there to ruin everything, even when she's not.

"How do you know her exactly" I asked trying to keep myself from shouting.

"Oh" he started and sat down beside me again "When I was younger I used to go over to my cousins every summer, and she would always be there with her brother and sister, she was a good few years older than me but she was always there for me, and one summer I went over and she was gone and her brother said that her other sister Julie and her husband had left suddenly as well" he explained seeming to remember everything.

I nodded along as he told me more stories but I wasn't really listening until he said that Julies husbands second name was "O'Shea" .

He must think its just a common name but he didn't even realise what he was saying because he was speaking so fast, but it all seemed to piece itself together in my head.

My Aunt left suddenly one day, and so did my Aunts sister Julie, and Julies husbands name was "O'Shea" which was my parents second name, hench my second name.

I felt like I was hyperventilating, but I wasn't even breathing. I've always wanted to know who my parents are but I was always under the impression that my Aunt would have been my dads sister.

There's only one question floating in my head.

Why did my Aunt take me and why did my parents let her?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I apologised to James and answered.

It was a reminder that my court case will be going ahead and that it would be wise if I were to get myself a solicitor.

"What was that about?" James asked. "Oh its nothing" I replied nervously.

"No one needs a solicitor for no reason" he said, I gave him a confused look "I heard him from here, your volume is way to loud for a private conversation"

I rolled my eyes and said I'd tell him later but of course I don't actually plan on it.

Emily's POV

I was sitting down in the living room at Brads house watching some movie on the telly.

"How do you think she's getting on?" asked April "I don't know really" I replied honestly, she was a bit off when she and I hope she's enjoying herself.

"Emily" said Brad at the door of the living room "can I talk to you in the kitchen" he asked and looked over towards Megan who did not look impressed. He walked over and gave her a kiss to reassure her and she looked it.

When we got to the kitchen he closed the door "what's up?" I asked.

"Zoe has been talking to me and she said that because there is a spare room in the house and that you have been there for her, which I myself am entirely gratful for, I was wondering if you would want to move into the spare and you can have it" he said with a smile.

"Are you serious?" I said stunned, the thought of leaving home never really crossed my mind but I want to.

"Yeah, sure your part of our group now and all the group live her except you and I find it uncomfortable" he said amused.

"I'd love to, thank you so much" I said and hugged him in a friendly way.

This is going to be very interesting.

(A\N. I'd like to thank everyone who is reading my story, it means a lot, I would also like to say that my updates won't be as frequent as I am studying(or supposed to be) for my pre examinations. Vote and Comment, thank you ♥)

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now