Rally Driver...

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Megans POV

We were all on our way to Brads house after Connors little explosion towards Zoe. Not all of us have cars so Chloe, Grace and April were travelling with Zoe and Connor was on his own in his car, I didn't think it would have been a good idea to put Zoe and Connor in a car together. It was just Brad and I in this car.

"Ah, Brad what are we going to do when we get to your house?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled with his white teeth. "I was thinking of having a movie night, do you think the lads will be allowed to stay the night?" he asked me.

"I dont see why not" i said. "Well I know that you'll be able, oh by the way I've some of the clothes and pyjamas you've left in my room over the summer in my top drawer" he said smirking the whole time.

"You can keep them there, Ill need the pyjamas for tonight and the clothes will come in handy" I said not exactly looking him in the eye because knowing me my face is really red right now.

"Awe look who's all cute when they blush" Brad said rubbing my cheek. I just glared at him."Awe c'mon Meg you know you love me really" he laughed "yeah, yeah, your lucky I do" I said and I began to laugh with him.

When we reached Brads house he opened the car door for me and let me walk ahead, he's only doing it so he could look at my ass. To confirm what I was thinking imI turned my head around and saw him looking down and then I slapped him across the head.

"I'm sorry Meg, I couldn't help it, I'm only a man" Brad wined.

Yeah yeah a man, he wouldn't know how to be a man if he was hit with a bag of potatoes labeled 'im a man'

With that I started laughing to myself.

"Um Meg, are you okay?" Brad asked. One look at his face and I erupted into laughter and I physically couldn't stop myself. I could hear the sound of a car, I looked up to see Connor get out of his car, and then we heard the sound of a speeding car turning a corner and making a very high pitched scraping noise.

The car stopped outside Brads house and out came Chloe, April, and Grace, they landed to the floor on all fours "Thank you God for not letting us die in that lunatics car" screamed April. Just then Zoe emerged from the drivers side with her black sunglasses on "Who said only men could drive ha" she said amused. Grace went over to Zoe and was two inches from her face, Zoe didn't even flinch "How dare you drive like a rally contestant while Im present in your car" Zoe just lowered her glasses and wiped them "I want the news, not the weather thanks" and walked to me.

"Ready to get this party started" said Brad. Zoe linked arms with me and I smiled back "why you so happy?" she asked me and that's when I told her my vision of the sack of potatoes. She was on the floor laughing but so was I and this is why were friends.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now