A Change In The Weather

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James POV

I woke up and winced at the sun, I stretched my arms away from me and yawned. I forgot Zoe was beside me and accidentally pushed her on her side, not good

Don't wake up, don't wake up!

She stuffed her head in her pillow but she didn't wake. Thank Jesus! I got out of bed with my eyes closed and grabbed my dressing gown. I went to the kitchen and sat down at the table with a cup of tea. It was too early to blare music in the house as usual so I grabbed my ear phones and put on 'This Ain't a Scene' by Fall Out Boy and rested my head on the table.

"James" I heard someone whisper. "James" they continued. I moaned in annoyance "go 'way" I mumbled into the sleeve of my gown. "Mr McVey!" she shouted and I jumped out of my seat with my eyes closed as I was still to tired to open them. "I'm up, what?" I opened my eyes slightly to see Zoe standing in front of me in her school uniform. Wait. School!

"Shit!" I said quietly and Zoe laughed at me and pointed to my dressing gown "you can be so stupid" she breathed. I looked down to see Zoe's purple dressing gown and I let out a frustrated sigh. This is really not my day and its only eight o'clock!

"Go get dressed lazy arse" Zoe clapped her hands and I held them together so she couldn't clap them "Shh, please" I whispered and I launched up the stairs and randomly picked a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt.

Two minutes later I was down stairs slightly more awake and was ready to go. "Do you want me to bring you?" I asked. She gave me a sympathetic smile and shook her head "we need to be careful" she kept reminding me. I nodded my head and kissed her cheek before we left the house.

I got in my car and drove to school leaving Zoe behind to drive to school herself.

Its really hard I'll admit to have this kind of relationship. In school, I have to pretend that she is just another student I must teach, and she must treat me like I am just another teacher that will teach her. Her friends know and they're okay with it, or so I would imagine anyway. I was thinking about asking her if she wanted to move in with me full time but I don't think she would like that. She's too independent.

The staff parking lot came into view and I mentally prepared myself for another day of teenagers.

Zoe's POV

I opened the door to Brads house and saw Zach coming out of the kitchen with a backpack on and a black hoodie on covering half his face. My eyes went as wide as saucers "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Could ask you the same question" he retorted with annoyance. I pulled down his hood to reveal his face fully "In case you haven't noticed, I bloody god damn live here" I said aggravated by his stupidity. He face palmed and muttered profanities to himself.

"No, you can't, you can't be serious" she exclaimed almost desperately. "This is Brads house, I told you yesterday I live here with him and his girlfriend...Megan?" I reminded him. He was about to say something when a look of confusion spread across his face.

"Then what are you doing only coming in now, with your uniform on?" he asked with amused look. Oh, for gods sake.

"I was at a...friends house" I said with slight hesitation. He smiled like a creepy lunatic "were you out all night doing the nasty?" he wiggled his eyebrows. I made a horrified expression "excuse you, I am very innocent, I am like the Virgin Mary herself" I stood my ground crossing my arms over my chest.

He laughed at me and I couldn't help but join in. I soon remembered that he has questions to answer.

"Are you here to see someone?" I asked him as he recovered from laughing. He shook his head and that's when I begun to get really curious. I pulled his backpack off of his back. He lunged towards it but I moved it out of his reach.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now